#my absolute favourite little potato man
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thecrimsonvalley-creates · 19 days ago
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~ Happy valentines day ~ Saw that the Rusty Lake dev team were asking for valentines greetings so I had to do my part by drawing my favourite lad! Always time to fill your heart with new memories together <3
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hannibals-favourite-meal · 4 days ago
Hi, I just read wandering Babies and I was wondering if I could maybe get a part two maybe a few months to year later, if not it's all good.
.⋆。Stationary Family。⋆.
Negan x plus size reader
Though he no longer had power or the fear of people around him, Negan felt like he was the top of the fucking world.
Warnings: mom!reader, I fucked with the timeline a bit (as always), pregnant!reader, fluff, mentions of the war and walkers, dad!Negan, no use of Y/N, vague mention of pegging and trying for a baby, suggestive WC: 1.6k Minors DNI
Library- @hannibals-favourite-meal-library
Wandering Babies (part 1)
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The ache in his back was getting worse by the second, but Negan was in no position to complain, at least not out loud. His hands seemed permanently caked in mud, the back of his neck perpetually sunburnt as he toiled away in the gardens of Alexandria. This was his penance, a redemption via servitude to the people he had tormented who had given him mercy at his weakest moment. 
He knew he deserved worse, so he kept his mouth firmly shut as he winched with earth painful twinge up his back.
“Daddy!” But that made it all better. Negan let out a groan of pain as he stood up, his joints screaming after being in the same position for hours. The sun hovered just above the horizon, painting the walled town in a golden light and silhouetted against the main square was the reason he kept working as hard as he did.
“Hi girls!” He called back. Immediately, the older two kids took off running, weaving their way through the rows of crops expertly all while their mother lazily trailed behind them, hand in hand with their youngest who was not yet confident enough to walk around Alexandria without one of his parent’s holding his hand.
Isabella, the faster of the twins, slammed into his open arms, her bubbly laugh instantly relieving the pain of the day. Negan’s grip was firm around his girl, breathing in the clean smell of her soap. “I wanted to hug daddy first!” Lucia wiggled her little body into the small space between his bent legs, sighing happily as she too got to wrap herself up in his warmth for the first time that day.
Though their weight pulled on his already strained back, he held them tighter still, gratefully sending out another than you to the universe for letting him keep the small family he had somehow swindled his way into. 
“Girls! Let daddy take a second to breathe before you smother him and I have to clean him up… again.” The sensually curvaceous shadow that fell over him suddenly gave the man a second wind. Arms tightening around the girls, he shot up, dragging their giggling bodies into the air and then he was stood above her— the absolute fucking love of his life.
“Now now mama, I happen to remember that you like cleaning me up. May I remind you of that wonderful jacuzzi tub with the 12 separate jets. Huh, baby?” Her lips curled into an almost vicious frown but Negan saw just how her eyes sparkled and he would bet his left fucking arm that there was a a nice little heat crawling up her neck.
“You are a dirty pervert.” She scolded as she pulled barely four year old onto her wide hip, his chunky hand clinging to the buttons of her shirt.
“What’s a pervert mama?” Lucia blurted out. Negan responded by skillfully flipping her little body over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, sending her into another fit of screaming giggles. He knew he was gonna pay for that later, in more ways than one.
“And how is my favourite little man?” Tomas grinned at his father, proudly showing off his pearly whites. 
“I made buns!” Negan’s greying brow lifted as his lips turned up. She knew exactly what he wanted to say next and she was not going to indulge him. 
“And some spaghetti for dinner. The girls made the sauce.” The smile that graced her face made her glow in the last dredges of sunlight, her heart laid out plainly before him like it was the day the girls had first called him dad, the first time she let him take care of her. 
“Then c’mon, daddy’s fudging hungry!” 
“Roll over.” Dinner was done, baths had and then the bathroom floor mopped, and all the children were now peacefully sleeping in their beds. Negan had all but collapsed onto the mattress, his aching muscles screaming in relief.
“Baby, you know I love you and find you sexy as shit but I don’t do the whole ‘taking it’ route.” He obeyed anyway, his face burying into the pillows on her side of the bed. “‘Sides, don’t think I could get the big guy up right now if I tried.” 
The bed dipped around his hips as a weight settled just below his ass. “Eh, more like just above average guy.” Warm hands pressed against his shoulder blades, keeping him from flipping back over in protest.
“Now that’s just fucking mean baby.” She hummed under her breath.
“Jesus, your back is like a bag of rocks.” Her thumbs dug against the sinewy muscle along his spine, drawing a strained groan from the man between her legs. Negan curled his fingers into the duvet as she hit a particularly sore spot.
“Yeah well, it’s not like I get a fucking day off.” The comforting weight of her body leveraged forwards, forcing his bare chest deeper into their mattress and the air from his lungs. The pressure was so blissfully perfect that all he could do was release a moan she had only ever heard before when it was him above her.
Her chuckle vibrated through his skin. “You’ve been working so hard, handsome. I’m sure I could get Michonne to swing a couple days to rest. I can grab a couple extra shifts on watch and in inventory to make up for it.” 
“No.” His hand landed on the soft fat of her thigh and gave it a warning squeeze. “This is my punishment. And I’m supposed to be taking care of you and the kids, especially since…” His voice trailed off. Negan turned his head, his brown eyes gazing up at the woman who had given him purpose and light.
Her smile was gentle. “Since what babe? Since we’re fucking raw every chance we get so you can get another little prince or princess to spoil?” A blush bloomed across his stubbled cheeks.
“Good lord woman, when did you get so fucking vulgar?” With one last deep press against the base of his spine, releasing the pops that had been sitting in between his vertebrae for the last five hours, she lifted herself off of him and dropped onto the bed next to him, their heads brushing each other.
“Oh that’s nothing compared to the shit you’ve said while you were inside me.” She threw a plump leg over his hips, pulling herself even closer to him in a way that he used to dream about. His arm wrapped around her waist, thanking her with a soft kiss to the tip of her nose.
A solemn expression pulled at her lips and eyebrows. “Just, don’t forget that you do have people who love you. Your redemption had already been earned and then some in our eyes, you just have to believe us.” Her fingers ran through his salt and pepper hair as a familiar comfort coiled around them in the small bubble of their bed.
Negan knew that he could break his back every day for the next century and never make up for the things he had done, the death and fear that came from his hand. In this moment, however, all he could think of was the family that had so captured him, shifted his soul so wholly that he could not even recognise his younger self. Lucia— his shy girl who grew more confident and bright with each compliment she was paid, Isabella— his competitive spirit who wanted nothing more than to make her family proud, and his sweet, curious little Tomas who was still a mama’s boy at heart, but never gave up the chance to help his father.
And their wonderful, intoxicating, stubborn, gorgeous, confusing mother who made sure to remind him every second that she could, that she had picked him, even after all the shit he had done, and that she loved him enough to risk her very life to give him another baby to love and raise with her.
“You are a fucking goddess.” Her lips fit effortlessly against his own. She sighed happily as he leaned against her, his tongue brushing against her bottom lip. The kiss deepened though it would not go any further than that, at least for that night. Negan mused briefly that maybe if he got both of them up early enough in the morning that they could take advantage of the nice big shower in the master bathroom.
“And you are a fucking sap.” She gasped for air. “Who would’ve thought that the big bad leader of the Saviours would end up living with the single mom of three who had somehow ended up in a place she shouldn’t be?” Her nails scratched his scalp, sending a pleasured tingle throughout his body.
“I did. Every night after the moment I met you, I wished and hoped for it— for this: us and the kids somewhere peaceful and safe.” She said nothing after that and he didn’t need her to. This was more than enough, to know that his kids were just a couple doors away and the woman who was something more than just a wife to him was cradled in his arms with a promise of a future he had always craved nestled somewhere in the universe.
Their goodnight was a gentle kiss and another soft smile. 
She would tell him tomorrow about the little surprise the kids had planned for him after they were told her secret after she would beg the Alexandrian council for a break for both of them. After all, they loved her babies, so they would obviously have to warm up to Negan if she had another one on the way.
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writesleah · 1 year ago
christmas headcannons ౨ৎ m. riddle
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౨ৎ mattheo riddle x reader
౨ৎ mentions of childhood neglect if you squint, nothing else just super adorable, fluffy mattheo
౨ৎ I ADORE THIS MAN these might just be projections of my feelings towards christmas but i swear he loves it too
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this man adores christmas
he always denies it, but he always looks forward to it
every. single. year.
when you two are just starting to speak, he might mention how he enjoys the 25th, but nothing more than that
the second he gets comfortable with you, it’s non stop rambling
“two months until christmas”
“it’s almost december”
it would be annoying if you didn’t adore him so much
it’s not just christmas day, it’s the entire month of december, the entire season of winter
he’ll always be begging you to do some sort of christmassy activity with him, thinking you’ll say no because it’s stupid
he feels like it makes him seem childish, so you have to reassure him that you love his enthusiasm and adorable date ideas
from december 1st, the two of you will be ice skating on a lake, or drinking candy cane flavoured hot chocolate whilst watching the snow fall
every single day is a new opportunity to do something vaguely related to christmas or the winter months with him
if you ask him what he wants for christmas, he’d either give you the biggest list you’d ever heard, or he wouldn’t ask you for anything and just say he didn’t know what he wanted - one extreme to the other
i think his obsession comes from the constant craving of a good christmas during his childhood
i don’t think his parents would’ve been interested in christmas at all, so it left him always wishing he could enjoy it
when he found you, he realised that there are people who do actually care about his interests or his favourite time of year
he was utterly grateful for your understanding, even if it seems incredibly simple to you
the second you ask him if he wants to watch a movie with you, he decides it has to be a christmas movie
no matter what time of year it is, always a christmas movie
his favourite movie is the grinch, you watch it every year
he also likes the polar express, but just because he can laugh at the animation and tease you for not liking its uncanny valley effect
he can’t watch home alone, it’s just a little too relatable, considering his childhood, but he never admits to that, he always says he thinks it’s boring
he would stay at hogwarts over christmas as long as you stayed with him
staying at school meant that you could have the slytherin boy’s dormitory all to yourselves, without any of the boys he shared with blabbing on and ruining your peace
on christmas eve, he likes to get all cozy in bed with matching pyjamas and a mug of hot chocolate each
christmas morning is his absolute favourite
he goes above and beyond with your presents
you always feel like he shows you up, considering that he always tells you to either pick one thing from his extensive list, or not to get him anything at all, leaving you scrambling to figure out what he wants
he reassures you that he loves whatever you get him, and makes sure that you like your presents too
the entire morning, he’s rambling on about how excited he is for the food
he loves brussel sprouts, even though you can’t stand them
he hates pigs in blankets, thinks they’re the absolute scum of christmas dinner, much to your dismay since you love them so much
so when you have brussel sprouts on your plate and he has pigs in blankets, you’ll both give them to each other, so you have double the amount of the food you like
roast potatoes are common ground. you both like them
he’ll always pour the gravy for you if you want it, and he’ll always help you to fix your food onto a plate
he can’t ever stop helping you, even if he knows you don’t need it
when you finish eating, he immediately either wants to watch a movie or play some sort of game, depending on who else stayed at hogwarts
and yes, as much as he hates it, he will watch the eastenders christmas special with you
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matchakennedy · 1 year ago
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[this is one of my first timed writing a smut.. So please bare with me. FEEDBACK WOULD BE GREAT!]
[cw VERY soft dom? SMUT?! idk what to put but i see everyone put it.]
It was late evening and Leon was just getting home from work. His hands were dirty and his clothes were full of whatever juices the Bioweapons release. Quite frankly he was a mess. Your eyes turn to him and immediately you start to worry. "Baby! Are you okay?" You ask, going over to him and placing your hands on his upper arms. You start to check him out a little more to see if any of the liquids on him were leaking from his body, but nothing.
"I'm fine." He murmurs, leaning down and planting a soft kiss upon your forehead. "I'm gonna go shower and then we can eat together. Would you mind putting my clothes in the washer?" He asks, starting to strip himself of his clothes. This was a normal occurrence, seeing him butt naked around your apartment. You give him a nod, taking his clothes and throwing them into the washer. You start the machine and continue cooking one of Leon's favourite meals. Whenever he was gone for a few days, you always spoiled him rotten. New clothes, favourite foods, massage and letting him worship your body. He loved the noises you make while the two of you were intimate. It always made him wanting more. It was getting a bit late and the potatoes were just getting soft in the water now.
Leon shows up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against him. He burries his head into your neck and inhales your scent, something he always remembers while away for a while. "Baby.." He whispers against your neck, planting a soft kiss exactly where he knows you'll make a soft gasping noise. You did exactly that.
"I missed that pretty noise you make." Leon brings his hands down to your hips and pulls your bum against his erection. Of course a soft laugh leaves your mouth at how needy he is. "Can I..?" He asks, playing with the strings of your pyjama pants. You give him an agreeing nod which triggers Leon to turn off the stove. "C'mon." He says, picking you up without any trouble and placing you over his shoulder. You let out a gasp at how fast his movement was but there was no stopping Leon. "Leon! Shouldn't we eat first?" You ask, assuming he was hungry for food but you we're very wrong. He was fast while walking up the stairs, you were basically bouncing up and down while he walked. He brings you into your bedroom and opens the door with his foot since both his hands were supporting you. He really just wanted to keep his hands on you.
"I can't wait, I'm sorry, Baby. But please use our safe word if it gets too much, alright. I've missed you so god damn much." He drops you down onto the bed in a gentle manner and smiles down at you with the most loving eyes a man can have. He brings his hands down to your hips and holds them so gently despite how desperate he is to make you feel good. He always had to prepare and make sure you're feeling the same way— you definitely were. The heat was already rising in your skin and the tingling feeling in your below area. The picture of him down between your thighs had you going crazy. The way he absolutely devours you all while keeping eye contact every singe time, made you even more aroused. "You're so beautiful." He whispers while keeping his eyes on your face, rather than your body. He loved everything about you and his favourite thing was your face. You could be absolutely naked and he'd still appreciate your face more. The reason is all the reactions you give while he's pleasuring you.
His hands slowly snake their way up your shirt which causes you to shiver, sending a pulse down Leon's length. A soft hum leaves his mouth as he reaches your breasts, revealing that you weren't wearing a bra as he expected. You were only lounging around the house so why would you? His fingers softly press against your soft nipple, which slowly progressed on getting harder as he rubbed his thumbs against them. The soft gasps leaving your mouth and the way your body reacted to his touch, encouraged him to continue. His head dips down and catches a nipple through your shirt, sucking on it and craving for the taste of your skin but didn't want to rush into things in order to give you the best experience.
"Leon.. You can take it off." You tell him as his head perks up like a dog. He wastes no time lifting the shirt over your head and throwing it to the floor of your bedroom. His head drops once again, capturing your now bare nipple into his mouth. A groan leaves his throat as he feels the softness of your skin and the harden nipple in his mouth. The sensation made him feel like on cloud 9 and he was only at your breasts. His tongue slightly flicked against your nipple, teasing and pleasuring you all at the same time. He pulled away with a smile, moving onto your other nipple with the same idea in mind. His lips press against you, sucking against your nipple with tender care while his other hand rolled your opposite nipple between his fingers. The sounds of his grunts and the hand placement cause you to moan which pulled Leon away. He didn't wanna wait longer.
He slowly starts peppers kisses down from your chest and to your stomach. Soft noises escape your mouth and your hand finds his dirty blonde strands. A gentle groan leaves his mouth at the contact. He then gets down onto his knees for a more comfortable angle to pleasure you, growing even more impatient. He slowly removes your pyjama pants and looks up at you. His eyes are asking for consent even if he's gotten it many times. He's been waiting all week to see you, to hear you and feel you. A soft sigh leaves your mouth and you nod your head which caused a loud gasp to leave your mouth. Leon grabs hold of your thighs, pulling you close to him. "Thank you, baby. I love you so much." He murmurs, starting to plant soft kisses upon both of your thighs, leaving lovebites while being as gentle as he could be. A soft gasp escapes your lips as you feel the tip of his nose presses against your clothed clit, inhaling the scent of your arousal while wanting nothing more than to taste you.
His finger pushes aside your panties that stayed on for now. He runs his finger down your folds, making you squirm slightly. "Sorry.." He whispers while softly stroking his finger against your folds tenderly. Your body reacts to his one finger and a soft moan breaks out from your mouth. Leon leans his head down, pressing his lips against your clit. You moan at his contact, running your hand through his hair gently causing him to look up. He removes his lips while his two fingers press against your entrance. "My pretty woman.." He whispers as he slowly pushes his fingers inside, making you moan quietly. "Are you okay?" He asks as his two fingers stay knuckle deep inside you, waiting for your answer.
"Yeah. Keep going." You respond which got a nod from Leon. He slowly starts to pump his fingers in your entrance. His slow movements and the soft noises your entrance makes as his fingers move within makes you close your eyes. The soft moans escaping your mouth as he continues in a gentle manner drives Leon wild. "Leon.." You murmur out within a moan, causing Leon to freeze his movements all together.
That soft whimpering moan of his name made his length twitch. He needed to hear more. He brings his mouth down to your clit, leaving sloppy kisses all over while his fingers start to drive back into your entrance with a faster pace. This of course brought more noises from your mouth, more breathless moans of his voice. He slowly starts to grind his hips again the bed to soothe his stingingly hard length. His head lifts up to lick his lips.
"God.. You are incredible." His fingers continue their movement, "Keep saying my name.. Just like that." He says, leaning back down and continuing his sloppy kisses, devouring you as if it was his last meal. "Missed this so much." He mumbles against your folds, curling his fingers up inside you which caused you to gasp out loud. Leon looks up immediately, his eyes concerned and movements pausing.
"Don't stop.. I'm about to cum." You says, pushing back his hair and giving him a smile. His face was glistening with your arousal and his hand softly stroking your thigh while he gives you a break.
"Anything for you." He responds to you, continuing what he started. His two fingers dig deep into you as he lifts himself up to capture your lips onto his. You could taste yourself on his lips and that almost made you lose control. Your walls tighten around his two thick fingers, indicating that you're close. A grunt is heard between you're sloppy kiss and Leon pulls away roughly. "Baby.. Cum whenever you'd like.." He says, pulling his fingers out before plunging them back in. This sent you over the edge causing you to moan, releasing yourself upon his fingers. Your thighs twitch close against Leon's head, which he loved.
Leon bent down and licked up everything he possibly could, slowly bringing his hand down to his length, stroking to and preparing it for what's to come. "You did amazing, honey.. You tasted amazing as always." He whispers, leaning down to kiss your lips. "Maybe we can continue?" He asks, tilting his head like a dog with the cutest smile. You couldn't say no— not that you were going too anyways.
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kyosopp · 8 months ago
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❝  p1harmony as my favourite songs !!  ❞
warnings !! my music taste please don’t be a hater because its not upbeat :3 + plus the fact i just used :3 there are links if you wanna listen to the songs
❪  ❥ .   yoon keeho,  윤기호 ❫
duvet — bôa
everyone knows that keeho is absolutely ethereal, he’s what every man (and woman) should aim to be. a pretty personality on a pretty face. i associate keeho with bôa’s duvet because of how stunning the instrumental truly is. oddly enough keeho reminds me of this song so much and i need a tiktok editor to edit him with duvet immediately (its a need not a want)
like water — wendy
this song was without a doubt my favourite song to listen to when it was released, it’s such a beautiful song and it reminds me of keeho. i know that you guys probably expect songs like starships by nicki minaj and although i do agree that keeho is definitely a song like that, based upon my music taste he’s just so ethereal and beautiful. he’s a constant reminder of growth and love (he still my opp though 😋)
❪  ❥ .   choi taeyang,  최태양 ❫
i was all over her — sylvia palth
i eat this song up everytime it plays, i don’t care if yall think it’s ass of overplayed, my little heart things yummy whenever its on. anyways, i definitely think theo is a song like this, and yeah he can be a tease to his members but he’s still a good guy with a good heart and everyone and their mother would want a love like this song with theo.
you were beautiful — day6
do i scream this song every time it plays, yes the fuck i do, but i digress. theo is either an avid listener of this song or is just the song personified. “beautiful, just the way that you would look at me” is just so theo and if you think otherwise… well i think you’re incorrect. nobody gets day6 like i do ☹️ (besides king seungmin)
❪  ❥ .   choi jiung,  최지웅 ❫
west coast — lana del rey
lana del rey and jiung is so
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anyways, this instrumental is so beautiful and i need to be sent a bajillion jiung edits with it. i do not stand for west coast slander because it is without a doubt singlehandedly has my heart in ruins.
levanter — stray kids
i love levanter by stray kids more than any song they’ve released, coming from a stay since their survival show. it’s my favourite song released by stray kids. jiung just reminds me of felix’s “it’s all good now” because he truly makes p1eces feel like everything will be alright (all while teasing jongseob, we love a man that can multitask)
❪  ❥ .   hwang intak,  황인탁 ❫
symphonia ix — current joys
this song dominated my entire tiktok fyp for a solid month before it suddenly converted to shrektok. this song just makes me feel really calm and content with my life and I feel like being friends with intak would be like that (when he’s not out for your throat at least).
only — leehi
i actually don’t really know why i think of intak when i listen to only. i guess the. “it’s like a dance we perform together” could contribute because i enjoy watching intak perform and he just seems like a really gentle lover, possibly even a “ill love you like a dog” lover (which is kinda sad ngl)
❪  ❥ .   haku shota,  白翔太 ❫
every breath you take — the police
although this song is borderline creepy and stalker-y, it can be cute if you ignore that its about obsession!! i associate soul with this song mainly because of his beautiful boba eyes. the way his eyes follow his members (keeho) and how he looks at them with admiration and love. he’s very much “every step you take, i’ll be watching you.” but cutie patootie style.
she’s in the rain — the rose
i remember when i used to listen to this song every hour of everyday, just basking in the beauty of it. although this song is heartbreaking i can imagine editors managing to make it cute and loving about potato soul. he has such a warm heart (ignore that he wants to blow up the world) and this song is just yay.
❪  ❥ .   kim jongseob,  김종섭 ❫
right side of my neck — faye webster
i absolutely love this song by faye, and i have no idea why i think of seob when i listen to it, maybe because i feel like his love and affection would linger for a while when he’s gone and mainly because hes such a pookie and i want the right side of my neck to smell like seob (platonically though… totally)
sweet night — v
this song will probably always be my favourite i adore it so much and it makes me think of seob because its sweet and beautiful just like him. plus the instrumental and taehyung’s vocals are just chefs kiss. “i’m wondering, are you my bestfriend?” “if you are too good to be true”
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vithir · 2 months ago
Su- what kind of flowers?
Chapter 11 of Bright Water by AstronomyAddict on ao3
Regulus lifted his glass towards James. “Shall we toast?”
James reached out and clinked his glass against Regulus’s. “To what?” he asked with a crooked smile.
“I don’t know yet,” Regulus said with a twinkle in his eye. “Perhaps to understanding each other a little better.”
James smiled back, still nervous, but oddly calm in his company. “Was that an invitation to get to know you better? I’ll take it that way, so okay, I have at least 100 questions for you. Where do I start?”
Regulus chuckled and took a sip of his wine. He fit in so well here; in a fancy restaurant with fine food. “Start with the easy questions, please.”
James thought carefully. He wanted to know so many different things, and he didn’t know where to begin. Regulus had said easy, so that’s what he would try.
“What change would you like to see in the world?” James asked eagerly, and Reg laughed again. “I said easy! That was not an easy question.”
James didn’t have to think long before he had an easier, yet not boring question. “What music do you listen to?”
James nodded slowly. That actually made quite a bit of sense when he thought about it
“Do you play music then?”
“Yes, I play the piano, and I’ve been doing it since I was four,” James was lost for words. Could this man be any more attractive? “I also compose my own music.” Yes, he certainly could. Regulus played and composed music! James didn’t know what to say, but he realised that his silence was starting to stretch on too long.
"Wow, that's wonderful! We should do something together one day." He flashed a crooked smile at Regulus, still trying to take in the new information. He composed music? Of course he did!
"Next question!" Regulus ordered.
James massaged his temples in a thoughtful gesture, even though he already knew what to ask. He had so many questions and wanted to fire them all off at once—
"What's your favourite place to take a nap?"
"The floor."
"How often do you dance?"
"Which workers have the worst job?"
"Nursery teachers."
"Favourite scent?"
"Favourite flower?"
"Su—you're absolutely not getting that out of me!" Regulus glared across the table. James couldn't help but laugh. That glare was so adorable, filling every corner of his heart.
"Why won't you say it? I'll figure it out anyway. Whether I get it out of you, or I have to bring you different flowers every time we hang out, that's up to you."
Regulus glared even harder, leaning over the table toward James.
"Oh, is that what you think? I can tell you right now that—"
"Dinner's ready." Regulus was cut off by a short-haired woman who entered with two delicious-smelling plates. Regulus leaned back as she placed one plate in front of him and the other in front of James. She stood beside the table, looking expectantly at Regulus. He said nothing. With a small sigh, she left, and James couldn't help but laugh. Regulus had just brushed her off, which meant he wasn’t interested in her. James picked up his cutlery and began cutting into a potato. He had never been that keen on squid. It was a bit rubbery, and the taste was something he'd never quite gotten used to. He couldn’t understand why Regulus appreciated it. With his French background, it made sense that he was used to eating odd things—snails, frog legs, and yes, squid.
"So," James said after the silence had stretched on for a bit too long. He put his elbows on the table and leaned forward. "The favourite flower. I’m serious. I’ll figure it out, sooner or later."
Regulus slowly looked up from his plate, his eyes glinting with both irritation and amusement. "Are you seriously bringing up flowers right now? In the middle of dinner?"
James laughed and nodded. "Yeah, why not? Flowers are interesting! They say a lot about a person."
Regulus rolled his eyes and took a bite of his food, but James could see he wasn’t planning to answer immediately. Instead, he took his time, chewing slowly, as if weighing his next move.
"Alright, let’s say I give you my answer," Regulus finally said, his voice low and almost secretive. "What are you going to do with that information? Buy me flowers all the time?"
James blinked dramatically, pretending to think deeply about the question. "Maybe. Or maybe I’ll just use it against you every time I need to make you smile."
Regulus snorted and shook his head, but there was a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "You’re an idiot."
James laughed again and shrugged. "Maybe, but I’m your idiot."
There was a brief silence where Regulus just looked at him. "I don’t have a favourite flower," he said suddenly, but James could hear the doubt in his voice.
"I don’t believe you," James said. "Everyone has a favourite flower, even if they won’t admit it. But fine, I’ll figure it out. You won’t be able to hide it forever."
Regulus simply gave him a sceptical look but dropped the subject. Instead, he took a sip of his wine, as if he had won the battle—but James knew better. He had all the time in the world to crack Regulus’ shell. "Wait and see," he muttered to himself with a satisfied smile.
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kagedbird · 10 months ago
Cicero Loves You, Listener!
TESSDE AU - Dark Brotherhood route
~ [First] ~ [Next] ~ [Prev] ~
Cicero has been very…
Which has been fine! With the others out on contracts, it’s really been just us, Gabriella, Astrid, and Arnbjorn. Veezara, Nazir, Babette, and Festus were all out, and I wasn’t keen on getting close to Astrid or Arnbjorn.
I was fairly certain they were talking shit about Cicero and I behind closed doors.
Gabriella was sweet! I think she and I were becoming fast friends, despite her reluctance to be near Cicero, who all but refused to leave my side after our little, uh, heart to heart yesterday.
Which made it all the more difficult to get him to leave us be while Gabriella checked my leg, which absolutely had a damned arrowhead stuck in it.
I was sure Cicero was going to break down the door as I suffered through Gabriella removing the damnable thing. I was given many tight hugs for comfort afterwards, whether I wanted them or not.
It was kind of nice though? I guess?
Touch was very weird. I wanted to hold others or be held, but the moment it happened, it was like a surge of agony ripped through my skin. Overstimulation times ten.
I always felt bad for having to tell Cicero that I wasn’t good for long hugs or back touches, but he seemed content with holding my hand when I could handle it.
Today I was kneeling in front of Mother while Cicero fetched us some food. He admonished me for eating so little when I was left to my own devices, but I had to admit to him that I genuinely just… couldn’t feel hunger until it was a painful ache.
He’d then taken it upon himself to be my meal time reminder. Sweet man.
I was sending my thoughts of thanks to Mother and Lord Sithis for having such a kind Keeper aid me in my time of need when he reentered the sanctuary. Of course, I didn’t hear his footsteps, but I did hear the minor creak of the door, and the still air being moved.
“Ah, sorry to disturb, Listener…”
I smiled up at him, giving a shake of my head. “No apologies needed, Keeper. Come sit, let’s have a meal with Mother today.”
He perked up, happily trotting over and placed the food that I assumed was mine on the table, before settling himself on the bench behind me. “How wonderful! I’m sure Mother is very appreciative for the company, oh yes! Poor Mother has been alone and distant for so very long, it’s like a breath of fresh, bloody air! Haha!”
I felt my smile dim lightly before I stood and plopped down next to him, taking in my bowl of stew. It was very hearty looking, with beef, potatoes, and carrots.
I blinked at the smell that wafted through my nose, frowning slowly as my head thrummed with images that flickered too quickly to see.
What was that?
I’d had this meal before. Many times.
Was this my favourite?
Who did I used to eat this with? Was it those men?
Mother hadn’t answered me on where they might be, nor Lord Sithis. If they had no answer, surely it meant they were alive somewhere, right? If not within their respective realms, they had to be out there.
Were they looking for me? Did they love me as much as I remembered loving them?
What was I to them?
Who was I?
I took in another deep breath, blinking as I felt something trail down my jaw, and rubbed it away; surprised to find tears smearing across my hand.
“Is the food not to your liking?” He asked quickly, a panicked look in his eyes. “Oh foolish Cicero! He should have asked! He is so very sorry, please forgive your Fool of Hearts!”
“…I’ve had this meal before.” I settled on, swallowing thickly. I settled the bowl onto my lap, forcing myself back into the present with the burning heat searing my legs through my soft pants.
“…Oh! Is Listener… remembering?”
“I… I don’t know.” I said, wiping my face carefully. Sniffling, I took a spoonful and blew on the stew carefully before taking a bite, unable to stop the flooding of tears that followed at the taste.
It was so good. It tasted like home.
An older man with dark brown hair and lightly tanned skin and scruffy facial hair came to mind, cooking with me in a tiny kitchen.
A tavern keep, blond, was pointing at another blonde woman, the two clearly teasing one another.
A family of three— a mother, a father, a child— welcoming me with open arms.
Those three men and I seated at a table, the three of them leaving me pouting from their own teasing.
Home. I wanted to go home.
I ached so horribly. It was hard to swallow the food. It sat heavily on my tongue, overwhelming my senses as I tried to choke back the flood of emotions that leaked down my face.
Cicero’s hands cradled my face, turning me to him, as he tutted and wiped me clean with a dry rag.
“Listener does not have to lie to Cicero if the food is not to her liking. Silly Listener…”
I shook my head, tucking my food into my cheek, and sniffled. “N-no… I love it. It… tastes like home.”
His hands stilled. His eyes were wide.
Did I say something wrong?
I worried when he didn’t move for a few beats. Eventually he came back from whatever was in his mind, fingers trailing softer against my cheeks.
“Cicero… is glad to provide. He is eager to please.”
Well… at least he wasn’t mad.
I eventually did manage to eat the entire bowl of stew, somehow able to swallow it down despite how tight my throat was. But it left Cicero in a genuinely jovial state, despite my messy form.
“Perhaps it would be best to gather your strength and rest, my Listener.” Cicero suggested, setting his plate to the side to offer me his hand.
I nodded, taking it, unable to keep my eyes open for much longer with this damnable headache that seemed to always be just a moment away.
“Your Keeper has you, my dearest Listener.” Cicero responded quietly— or at least, quietly for him— gently guiding me to the bedroom. “He will keep, keep, keep, as is his duty! Keep vigil for ne’re do-wells that would attack you in your dreams. Stab, stab, stab, until their gone, gone gone. Nothing to fear with Cicero near! Hahaha!”
I let him settle me onto the bed and crawled under the covers when he lifted them, curling up onto my side. He tucked me in, taking time to lift the blankets from my feet, just as he had every day since my first request.
He returned to my head to gently pat it, and I caught his hand to squeeze it tight.
“Thank you. I’m sorry for… all of that. But I’m grateful.”
His hand returned the squeeze, his thumb stroking my knuckles softly. “Anything for Cicero’s dearest friend. Rest well, my Listener! Sweet bloody dreams.”
He seemed reluctant to leave, but eventually did slip his hand from mine and out the door.
I pulled my pillow close to my chest, hiding my face into the plush cover.
I wanted to go home.
But how on earth could I even find it when this was supposedly where I belonged?
Could I return to that old life?
Did they want me back?
I needed to get out of this den and see the sun. Desperately.
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agentnico · 1 year ago
Top 10 BEST Movies of 2023
Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all partied hard and are now surviving a dreadful hangover by sitting with your family or friends and enjoying a well deserved marathon of Lord of the Rings. 2023 - what a year! In the movie biz alone there were those little minor events known as the strikes of the actors and writers. Just when we thought COVID was over and stopped affecting releases, these strikes were like “errr no, actually..!”. To be fair, the way the streaming services were underpaying their actors and the studios enforcing AI so much into the media, it was good that these artists stood up for themselves and showed it to the man so to speak! Anyway, we’re not here to talk Hollywood politics, but to celebrate all the quality filmmaking that was exhibited this past year. I’d say in all honesty this year felt weaker compared to 2022. To be fair last year gave us Everything Everywhere All at Once, Top Gun: Maverick and of course the legendary RRR, so the bar was high for 2023. That being said, I still enjoyed some solid films, so let’s rank my Top 10 favourite movies of 2023, but first some honourable mentions…
Evil Dead Rise - one heck of a gore fest, and the best opening title card of the year hands down!
Past Lives - a simple yet brutally honest love story.
The Boy and the Heron - Wanna hear Robert Pattinson sound like not Robert Pattinson?!
Guy Richie’s The Covenant - The least Guy Ritchie film Guy Ritchie directed.
The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar - Wes Anderson and Roald Dahl are a match made in heaven.
Barbie - I’m Just Ken…need I say more??
Wonka - Timmy makes for a good Willy.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 - A solid Marvel entry - a rarity these days.
Tetris - Gosh those tetrominos really get ya!
Right, with that, let’s get into the actual fun stuff - The Top 10 Best Movies of 2023!…
10) MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: DEAD RECKONING - PART ONE - Tom Cruise - what a guy! I mean yes he’s a Scientologist, has a constant death wish by breaking his ankles on film sets and also guilty of jumping on Oprah’s sofa like a monkey, but my my is he a charmer! You guys know the drill with these Mission Impossible movies - Tom Cruise throws his body around like a potato fearing not for his life nor broken limbs, but you have to respect the man for wanting to give the audience their tickets’ worth of entertainment, and Dead Reckoning not disappoint! There’s never a dull moment, the action is constantly inventive and exciting, and honestly with how consistent the quality of these films are, I say keep ‘em coming, Cruise-man!
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9) DREAM SCENARIO - Anyone who knows me knows how much I love me some Nicolas Cage! The guy’s an acting legend, and he’s had it rough a decade ago when he got stuck paying off hi tax money and starring in crappy B-movies, but recently he’s been on a hot streak of great original content, and Dream Scenario adds to that. I love this idea of a random dude suddenly appearing in people’s dreams for absolutely no reason. It’s so rare to have a new original conception in a film in our day and age, and the execution here is great. As a bonus, the movie features possibly the best fart joke in the history of the cinema.
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8) FALLEN LEAVES - This features the deadest karaoke ever - the Finns sure know how to party!! Also bonus points for featuring an out-of-left-field reference to Jim Jarmusch’s zombie flick The Dead Don’t Die, which by no means is a great film, but the fact that the director of Fallen Leaves knows about such obscure pieces of cinema only reiterates the fact that he gets cinema. Which in this case is a straightforward romantic love story, but one that I instantly connected with. Reminded me of Compartment No. 6.
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7) OPPENHEIMER - On one had this is probably the most “well-made” movie of 2023 cinematically speaking. Christopher Nolan does not hold back in using his typical non-linear way of storytelling, with the film weaving narratives and different time periods seamlessly as it explores the profound depths of a man who’s actions altered the world’s trajectory forever, for better or worse. It’s an incredible historical piece of cinema, and the movie gets extra points for the whole ‘Barbenheimer’ phenomenon, but the reason this film is not higher on the list is due to the fact that I believe it is overrated. Cause every single person raved about how bloody amazing this thing was, I became tired of the positivity. Yeah, I know, I’m being a Scrooge but what you gonna do about it?? Oppenheimer is stuck at No. 5!
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6) ROBOT DREAMS - I’m sorry to go vulgar on this occasion, but my-my was I shipping this dog and it’s robot to absolutely fudge each others brains out!! Yet the movie happens to do the funny thing of being the biggest cockblock ever….. and that’s the best thing it could have done. Simplistic cartoon-network style animation made beautiful by an earnest story, accompanied by the delightful sounds of Earth, Wind & Fire.
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5) KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON - When a movie forces you to stay in the cinema for over 3 hours, it better be one epic film, as your man here was straining his bladder to health threatening levels. However this is a Martin Scorsese picture, as such this is event cinema! And this one may be up there with one of his best. Killers of the Flower Moon is a major saga of greed, murder, corruption and despair, told through the eyes of a filmmaker who somehow is still managing to mature more as a director even though he’s already over 80 years of age.
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4) THE HOLDOVERS - The Holdovers is very much a vibes movie. It has that old-timey retro feel to it from how it is shot to make it look like it’s from the 70s (reminiscent of John Hughes films and Dead Poets Society). You also have the constant snow falling and the Christmas music just really delivers that cozy winter feel. It’s a wholesome Christmas movie through and through. Paul Giamatti gives a career-best performance and the writing is absolutely stellar, as such The Holdovers is destined to become a holiday classic.
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3) BEAU IS AFRAID - A 3-hour long anxiety attack that A24 spent $30 million to produce. For a movie studio to spill out such a massive amount of cash on a completely original IP that is divisively out-there and wild is such a unique thing to happen in Hollywood in this day and age, that like the film or not this act needs to be applauded. It just so happens that Beau Is Afraid is batshit bonkers and truly an act of madness, yet one that I will forever cherish. I bet David Lynch had the biggest hard-on when he watched this movie - you betcha!
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2) PERFECT DAYS - Essentially plays out like a live-action remake of WALL-E from the director of Paris, Texas. Honestly this is such a sweet and delightful film about a toilet cleaner doing his thang, and somehow inspired me to want to clean toilets myself. A beautiful piece of independent cinema that appreciates the little things, and truly embraces the ideology of stopping to smell the roses.
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1) SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE - Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is, put simply, brilliant! It’s everything that made Into the Spider-Verse great dialled up to 1000%, and the result is honestly fantastic. Look, I watch a lot of movies. And yeah, movies are great and I love them deeply. But in watching so many films I have in a way lost that magic of being in awe every time I go to the cinema. Cliches and repetitiveness in films stick out like sore thumbs. However with Across the Spider-Verse I felt like a kid again, purely stunned in amazement at every single frame, engaged with the characters and story-line, not knowing where it will go next. Like I cannot reiterate how much fun I had watching this movie! The animation is phenomenal, the narrative so rich, a pulse-throbbing music score (I even have Pemberton’s score on vinyl now just cause I love it so much!) superb character development and so many fun and unexpected twists and turns. Across the Spider-Verse is THE movie of 2023 for me and I believe this is the first time ever an animation took a top spot on my list. Here’s hoping Part 3 of the Spider-Verse saga will play out like The Return of the King!
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There you have it - my favourite films of 2023. Naturally I don’t expect my list to be the same as yours, so don’t go throwing a tantrum if I missed out a movie you loved. Or do throw a tantrum, see if I care. But also don’t, cause like we’re all friends here, right? Right??!
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seths-rogens · 1 year ago
If I Was Any Closer, I Could Be Lost | E | 8.2k
"I want you to be my best man." Steve is watching him with a bright smile, and all of a sudden Eddie feels like the worst person in the world.
He should say no. He's going to say no. 
"Of course I'll be your best man, Stevie. I'd be honoured."
Shit. Fuck. No. He didn't mean to do that.
Eddie is utterly, completely, absolutely, fucking screwed. 
Or, Steve is getting married to someone else, and Eddie, desperately in love, watches it happen.
taglist: @judasofsuburbia @gothbat99 @flowercrowngods @cheatghost @fastcardotmp3 @simplebtromance @gonzofromspace @i-less-than-three-you @potato-of-the-lord
fic under the cut, or read on ao3!
"I want you to be my best man." Steve is watching him with a bright smile, and all of a sudden Eddie feels like the worst person in the world.
He has to say no. Needs to. There's no way he's surviving a front row seat to Steve Harrington's goddamn wedding.
They're at their favourite bar, where Steve and Robin used to work back when they first moved to Indy, sitting in their usual booth in the back corner, right by the bust up jukebox. There's some sports game playing on the TV behind the bar, not basketball or baseball because Steve hasn't glanced over once. Or maybe he's already seen it.
There's a hole in the wall next to the dartboard after a drunken Nancy misjudged her own strength in throwing her dart. There's a drink on the menu named after Argyle (because he sold the owner some of his fancy Californian weed). S & E is carved into the underside of the table they're sitting at - the product of one of Steve's solo closing shifts, a visit from Eddie, and a whole bottle of tequila.
There's a lot of memories in this place. Fitting they would have this conversation here.
"Be my best man, dude." Steve's still smiling. God, he's so pretty.
"What about Robin?"
"Stacey already offered her a place as a bridesmaid. You know how well they get along." Steve's smile turns fond at the thought of his fiancee and best friend's blossoming friendship.
Eddie wonders how the hell he ended up in this situation. How he became close enough with 'King Steve' that he's invited to his wedding, let alone being offered one of the most important roles in it.
They'd grown close after Spring '86. Of course they had, facing down a grotesque, dickless fuckwad who had nothing better to do than further traumatise and kill several teenagers by way of crumpling them up like an empty coke can worked as a real bonding moment.
Plus there was the shared stint in the hospital. Playing chew toy to several hundred alternate dimension demon bats will take a lot out of you, so it seemed. Not to mention the road rash on Steve's back and how all his wounds very nearly ended up infected.
Eddie still thinks it's a miracle he managed to keep going and reassure everyone he was fine. But that's only because he knows he himself acted like a little bitch about it.
So they became friends. First, it was sharing a hospital room, then it was Steve summoning the mighty power of his absent parents to get him off scot-free for an unjust murder accusation.
Then it was late night phone calls when neither of them could sleep, whispering their fears and nightmares down the phoneline to one of the few people who could really, truly understand. Then it became late night drives to the quarry, then a shared joint on Eddie's front porch, until eventually, they were sharing a bed.
Eddie couldn't help falling in love along the way. He really tried not to. But Steve was... well, he was Steve. Selfless and bitchy and just plain good.
Eddie was doomed from the start.
But Eddie never said anything. Couldn't ruin one of his closest friendships with feelings. It's been seven years since Vecna. Steve turned 26 barely two months ago and now he's getting married to a girl he's been dating a little under a year.
And the worst part, Eddie thinks, is that they're perfect for one another.
If any girl would be the one to finally make Steve Harrington an honest man, it would be Stacey Baker. She was tall and slim, with curves in - Eddie assumes - all the right places. Her hair was so long it almost brushed her waist and a shade of blonde most people would only achieve with an $80 salon appointment. She had cheekbones so sharp they could cut, but her face was softened by the beginnings of smile lines around her mouth and the corners of her eyes.
Eddie was used to seeing her in comfy sweaters and t-shirts stolen from Steve's dresser, but on the few occasions he'd seen her dressed up, she'd been stunning.
He can't imagine how she'll look in a wedding dress.
Together Steve and Stacey looked like the poster couple for 'American family values' and Eddie hated it. But he couldn't hate her.
He had wanted to, really wanted to, when Steve first mentioned her, but it only took one meeting to understand why he liked her so much.
Stacey was a breath of fresh air after a storm. Always smiling, always ready to help.
She kept track of Steve's medication and reminded him to put in his hearing aids. She loved him in spite of the scars she would never know the stories behind. She didn't mind the almost codependent friendships Steve had with Robin and Eddie. Didn't mind when he'd get out of bed at 3 am to go make sure Dustin was asleep at home.
And Steve... Well, everyone knows Steve falls fast.
"She's even letting her wear a suit."
Eddie blinks back to himself. "Sorry?"
"Stacey. She's letting Robin wear a suit." Steve shrugs. "Says as long as it fits the colour scheme then it's fine."
"That's great." Eddie picks up his beer, takes a long pull.
"So, will you do it?"
He should say no. He's going to say no.
"Of course I'll be your best man, Stevie. I'd be honoured."
Shit. Fuck. No. He didn't mean to do that.
Eddie is utterly, completely, absolutely, fucking screwed.
Four and a half months later sees Eddie in a hotel room he never would've shelled out for, clenching his fists instead of reaching for the overpriced mini bar and watching Steve attempt to tie his tie in the mirror.
It's lilac, and the suit is a heather grey. Just like Eddie's.
It makes him look even prettier.
Steve fumbles with the tie. "Do you need a hand with that?" Eddie asks, holding back a smirk.
Steve groans. "Yeah. I thought I had it."
Eddie pushes himself up as Steve turns to face him. He takes the ends of the tie in gentle hands and begins to wrap it around itself.
"You nervous?" Eddie focuses on what his hands are doing, instead of doing something stupid like gazing deeply into Steve's stupid gorgeous eyes.
"A little, sure." Steve shrugs, holding his head high so Eddie has the space to work.
“I mean, fuck, man.” Eddie huffs a laugh. “You’re 26 and you’re getting married. That’s insane.”
“Is it? My mom was married to my dad at 18.”
Eddie nods, taking his time because he’s certain this is the last time he’ll ever be close to Steve, to be allowed to linger. “Sure, but with everything we’ve been through. A wedding seems weirdly abnormal. Especially considering our track record.”
Steve frowns. “Abnormal?”
“Yeah. You know, unusual, unorthodox, out of the ordinary.” He tucks the tie through itself.
Steve shakes his head. “No, I know what it means, man, just… are you not, like, happy for me?”
Eddie straightens the tie out, rests his palms just beneath Steve’s shoulders on his chest. “I’m happy for you.”
“You don’t seem like it.” Steve ducks his head. “You’ve been in a bad mood all day and I can’t help but think it’s my fault somehow. Have I done something?”
Eddie’s eyes are wide with the fear that he’s been figured out. “No!” He says, perhaps too quickly. “No, it’s not you. I’ve just got shit going on, y’know? It’s been on my mind.”
Steve’s face doesn’t brighten any.
“Look, how about I promise that for the rest of the day, I’ll be the most cheerful, upbeat version of myself you’ve ever seen.”
A small smile graces Steve’s lips. “And no ranting about metal music and scaring Stacey’s relatives?”
Eddie groans. “Why not?”
Steve gives him a look.
“Ugh, fine. I promise.”
Steve smiles and Eddie’s heart soars. “Good.”
Tie lying flat against his chest, Steve turns back to the mirror, straightening out his suit jacket and fiddling with the buttons. “Do I look okay?”
Eddie looks over his shoulder at the two of them standing together in the mirror. His heart clenches in his chest. “Just as pretty as usual, Harrington. You might even show up the bride.”
Steve chuckles softly, ducking his head with a pretty blush. Eddie wants to feel it under his palm. "Oh, I doubt that."
"Don't sell yourself short. You clean up nice." He bit back what he really wanted to say. You look more beautiful every time I see you. God, you look good in a suit but I want nothing more than to tear it off you. Run away with me.
Steve gave Eddie a once over, from the too polished shine of his shoes to the way he'd pinned his hair up. "You too, Munson."
Steve winks and stalks out of the room. Eddie barely represses a shiver.
It seems like no time at all before they're standing at the altar. Steve holds himself with excited tension. Eddie stands at his side, hands clenched into fists behind his back, Dustin and Lucas beside him.
The bridal march plays over the church's old organ and the bridesmaids start their walk down the aisle. Max and El - bridesmaids at Steve's request - walk together arm in arm. Their lilac dresses are similar but different all the same, fitting to their personalities. Max's cane is wrapped in purple ribbon.
Robin follows, her suit the same shade as the dresses, but tailored to perfection. Her shirt is grey silk and her bow tie matches Steve's own tie.
She squeals as she reaches the altar, pulling Steve into a crushing hug. He buries his head in her neck with a laugh. She meets Eddie's eye over Steve's shoulder and gives him a capital L Look. Eddie ducks away from her gaze.
A few of Stacey's own friends follow after, taking their places at the altar, and then it's time.
Stacey looks stunning in a simple white gown. It drapes almost casually over her shoulders and tapers in at her waist. Her blonde hair sits atop her head in a complicated updo. Steve smiles fondly as she begins to walk towards him.
Everyone watches her. Eddie watches Steve.
The service passes in a haze, the way Steve fumbles reading his vows from a piece of paper gaining 'awws' from the congregation. More than once Eddie feels Robin's eyes on him. He ignores her.
The priest asks if anyone objects to their union. Eddie bites his tongue so hard it bleeds.
Too soon, they're saying "I do" and Eddie holds back tears.
Having to pose in wedding photos is a new kind of torture. To stand so close to Steve and know that he'll never be Eddie's. That he'll probably move far away, start a family, and start vacationing at all the country's questionable tourist traps - after all Steve always wanted six kids and a Winnebago. And Eddie won't be a part of any of it, just a distant memory that Steve will desperately try to forget. A stranger in his goddamn wedding photos.
He'll look at them 50 years down the line and not be able to remember Eddie's name.
It hits him hard at the reception. They're in a nice hotel, an old, rustic building on the outskirts of Muncie, the room they're in is decorated with twinkling fairy lights and flowery centrepieces.
Eddie sits pride of place next to Steve at the head table, Stacey's dad having just finished his speech. Steve is blushing, holding Stacey's hand in a tight grip as she dabs her tears away with a handkerchief.
It's Eddie's turn next. He'd rather go for round two with the demobats.
Steve pats his shoulder as he stands up, accepting the microphone from the hostess.
"What can I say about Steve Harrington?" Eddie plasters on a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. "This man saved my life, quite literally, on more than one occasion. He held me together, carried me on his back and gave me the blood from his body all out of a kindness I wasn't sure I deserved."
Eddie pauses, taking a breath. "Most best man speeches I've heard fall more on the funny side, and I'm sure that's what Stevie here was expecting." He smiles, resting his hand on Steve's shoulder.
He risks a glance, Steve is gazing up at him with fond eyes and a wide smile. Eddie looks away quickly, staring out at the wedding guests.
"But, though it may be out of character, I felt that a little sincerity would go a long way." He takes a breath. "The man sitting right next to me is the only reason I'm standing here today. We've been through hell together, and even have the matching scars to prove it." He hears Steve huff a laugh. "I want nothing but the best for him, and that comes in the form of Stacey, his absolutely stunning bride." He smiles over at Stacey, she flushes, a shy smile gracing her face.
"I've never seen someone understand Steve so well that they almost have Robin beat," Robin whoops from her seat a little ways away, Steve laughs. "I mean, I thought I came close, but it's nothing compared to Stacey. She loves him fully and unconditionally, and I hope they have that for the rest of their lives. Hell, I hope I have a relationship even half as loving as theirs one day."
Eddie raises his glass. "To the bride and groom."
The rest of the wedding guests chorus his words back at him, sipping from their flutes of champagne in toast. Eddie retakes his seat and not a moment later, Steve's hand finds his knee. He squeezes and leans in close to Eddie's ear. "Thanks, man. That was beautiful."
"It was nothing." He says. It was everything, he thinks.
Steve has already been roped into a conversation with Stacey's dad, and Robin is tugging Stacey over to the buffet. Dustin, Mike and Will are comparing outfits while El and Erica gossip across the table. Lucas and Max are leaned in close, heads pressed together and hands tangled on the table between them.
Here, surrounded by friends, by family, Eddie feels utterly and completely alone.
The festivities ramp up after that. The happy couple has their first dance to ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’ - cheesy pick, Eddie thinks, but he can’t deny that it springs a year to his eye.
It fades into ‘Dancing in the Dark’ and Steve gains a little bounce in his step. He tugs Dustin and Robin up and spins them both round as Stacey’s little niece runs up to her with open arms. She bounces her against her hip to the music.
Everyone is smiling, warm bright grins that take up their whole faces and light up sparks in their eyes. Eddie thinks he should probably be smiling too, but he can’t help the coiling out of anxiety that spits in his stomach.
He lets Erica drag him up for a dance or too, and they swing each other round to The Human League and The B-52’s, but he bows out as Steve grabs Stacey’s hands to spin her around to Wham!’s Everything She Wants, mouthing the lyrics with a grin on his face.
Eddie grabs two flutes of champagne from a passing waiter and seats himself at a nearby table. He downs the first and holds the second in his hand, swirling the sparkling liquid in slow circles and staring into the little whirlpool it creates. This isn’t his first drink, it’s maybe his fourth or fifth, and he can feel it starting to hit him now, a fuzzy warmth settling over his eyes and in his head. He gives into it like he usually wouldn’t. Figures why not if he’s watching the love of his life dance with the love of his own.
He sits there, watching these people, this family, dance and have fun without him and thinks, they would be okay without me. They don’t need me.
A few songs pass but Eddie doesn’t realise, just keeps staring into the glass. There’s only a drop or two left now, when did that happen?
He’s startled back to the present when a hand enters his field of vision.
A couple scars on the knuckles, one finger slightly too crooked, a wedding band. Eddie looks up and finds Steve smiling softly.
Eddie smiles back, holds back wine drunk tears and grabs his hand. Steve tugs him up and onto the dance floor. Eddie represses a shudder when Steve guides his hands to his waist, and wraps his own around Eddie’s shoulders.
Eddie’s eyes are wide as he stares up at Steve in shock. What’s Stacey going to say about this? He risks a glance but Stacey is preoccupied slow dancing with Robin. They’re giggling about something. Eddie flexes his fingers, clenches his hands in the fabric of Steve’s rented suit jacket.
He realises then what song is playing. Tiffany croons about a love that could’ve been over the shitty hotel sound system.
Steve sways him gently, hands fiddling with the back of Eddie’s shirt collar. They’re pressed almost chest to chest, only a sliver of space between them. It might as well be nothing.
“Every time I get my hopes up
They always seem to fall
Still, could've been is better than
What could never be at all”
Eddie has never been one to relate to the lyrics of pop songs, but all of a sudden it hits much too close to home. He feels his heart in his throat, his stomach in his feet. His breath comes short and his eyes prick with moisture.
He pushes Steve back, just on this side of too firm. Steve stumbles a little but Eddie makes sure he doesn’t fall. “I’m sorry.”
And with that, Eddie leaves a groom that isn’t his standing alone in the middle of a crowded dance floor.
He bursts out into the hallway, hair falling out of its neat updo as he whips his head from side to side, trying to figure out where to go. He picks a direction and sticks with it, striding down a random hallway until he finds an unlocked door.
He pushes it open and finds a room much like the one Steve’s reception is being held in. The lights are low here and the tables lay bare of their white silken covers. Eddie walks over to one of the tall windows and cracks it open. He pulls a crumpled pack of Marlboros out of the pocket of his slacks, and tips one into his hands.
He slips his zippo out of the front pocket of his suit jacket, and runs his thumb over the engraving. The outline of a warlock with ‘86 inscribed in the middle - a gift from Wayne after he finally graduated, third times the charm after all.
He flips it open and tries to light up. It doesn’t spark for a moment, despite how hard he tries. He thinks back to that horror flick he and Steve caught a month or two ago - hadn’t this happened to the protagonist.
Eddie snorts, his life is more a tragedy now, even if it was briefly a horror film.
The flame finally catches and he lights his cigarette, taking a deep draw and holding it until the back of his throat aches. He leans out of the window and watches the smoke curl into the dark of the night.
Behind him the door to the room clicks shut, and smart shoes click across the polished floor. They come to a stop a few feet away, and Eddie feels the hair on the back of his next stand up.
“What was that about?” Steve asks. Eddie lets out a shuddering breath, takes another drag of his cigarette.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t… don’t bullshit me, man.” Steve seems to grit his teeth, to clench out the words as if they’re hard to chew on.
Eddie sighs and stubs out his cigarette on the stone windowsill. He turns around, leaning back and starting down at the floor. “What do you want me to say, Steve?” He glances up, meets Steve’s eye. “I’m not exactly having the best time in there.”
“But we were all having fun together. As a family. You’re part of that, you know you’re part of that so I… I don’t see what the problem is? Have I done something? Is it me?” Steve rambles out, voice quivering almost imperceptibly. He runs a hand through his hair, messing up the way it was perfectly styled.
Eddie ducks his head. Stays silent.
Steve swallows and nods his head with a clenched jaw. “Right. Okay.” He takes a step closer. “Can I fix it?” He whispers, eyes wide and wet.
Eddie sighs, looks anywhere except into Steve's eyes because he knows then he’ll break. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?” Steve asks, incredulity lacing his tone. “Come on, man. If you tell me what it is, maybe we can work out a solution together.”
“I can’t tell you.”
“You can’t…” Steve trails off. He sounds sad, and Eddie hates that it’s his doing, but he can’t handle it anymore. Can’t watch the man he loves dance with a beautiful woman who he so desperately wishes he could hate. Can't sit around and watch them build a life together when he knows he’ll never have that, not when Steve is spoken for. “When have you ever not been able to tell me something?”
Eddie bites his tongue.
“Fuck, Eddie. I don’t… I don’t know what to do!” Steve is tugging on the roots of his hair again. Eddie wonders if, were it his hands doing the pulling, Steve would moan under his touch. But then again, it’s probably the wrong time to entertain such fantasies. “You’re one of my best friends, man, and I can’t… I can’t handle you being upset with me! I mean, you’ve been weird all day! I thought maybe the party would help raise your spirits a little and yeah, okay, I was wrong, but I can’t fix this if you don’t let me. Like shit, all I did was ask you to dance and you…”
Steve pauses as Eddie looks up, watching his expression morph from one of panic and frenetic energy to a curious look of realisation.
“I asked you to dance.” Eddie nods.
Steve swallows, he’s looking away now, putting the pieces together. His hands are resting on his hips, that signature ‘Mom’ pose the kids love to make fun of so much. “You didn’t bring a date.”
“I didn’t.” Eddie finally speaks up. He knows where this is going. Isn’t ready. Is.
“Why not?” Steve sounds a little choked, like maybe he’s nervous to find out the answer.
Eddie squeezes his hands into fists and releases them. Takes a breath and lets the air leave him shaking. “Because the person I want is already here.”
Steve crumples a little then, a marionette with its strings cut. He smiles, though it seems forced, almost painful. “I’m..?”
Eddie nods, resigned. “Yeah.”
“Fuck.” Steve mutters under his breath before stalking towards Eddie, fast and determined, wrapping a hand around his tie and tugging him into a firm, crushing kiss.
Eddie feels himself freeze, holding his hands up as if he’s going to protect himself.
Steve’s lips are warm and soft beneath his own, they taste like cherries - the balm Eddie knows he’s so fond of, that makes his mouth look so enticing. One of his hands rests on Eddie’s cheek, large fingers spread wide from his jaw all the way to his ear. The other has flattened itself away from Eddie’s tie, now resting above the frantic thud thud thud of his heart.
Steve pulls away with his eyes closed and lips still puckered. He frowns when he comes back to himself.
“I…” He swallows. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t ha—“
Eddie steels himself. Grabs the lapels of Steve’s suit jacket and yanks him back in, swallowing Steve’s surprised squeak with his lips. It melts into a moan and Eddie feels just a little proud of himself.
They pull back again, eyes locked and dark, afraid to break this bubble they’ve created around themselves. Separating them from the party, from the world.
“Why didn’t you stop me?” Steve asks, voice wrecked and quiet. Eddie doesn’t know if the question is for him, or if Steve’s just asking to ask. But he doesn’t have the time to wonder before they’re kissing again.
Eddie doesn’t know who moved first, but their tongues are pressed together and their hands are grappling at jackets. Steve is… vocal. All breathy whimpers and rough groans. It’s music to Eddie’s ears.
He runs his hands through that stupid fucking hair, softer than it probably was in high school, free of the hairspray and gel that kept it big. Steve’s grown since then. He still primps and preens with the best of them, but he isn’t so reliant on Farrah Fawcett now. Steve’s hands play with the hair at the back of Eddie’s neck, tangling and carding through the strands. He gives a gentle tug and Eddie can’t help but gasp.
He feels Steve smirk into the kiss as his hands drift further down, to his shoulders and then his chest. Steve loosens Eddie’s tie and presses a kiss to the base of Eddie’s throat as he undoes the first button of his shirt.
“Steve.” Eddie whispers, voice soft and pained.
Steve pulls back, looks at him through his eyelashes, reverent and dark. “Let me do this for you.” His voice comes out soft. He undoes a few more buttons, staring deep into Eddie’s eyes.
Eddie can’t look away. His shirt is down to his navel now. He nods his head. “Okay.”
Steve smiles, a small, secret thing, and drops carefully to his knees, keeping his gaze locked with Eddie’s. He pulls Eddie’s shirt from his dress slacks, pressing a sweet kiss to the skin beneath his belly button. He rests a hand on Eddie’s belt - he had retired the handcuffs for the night, and some part of him deeply regrets it. “Can I?”
Eddie’s glad Steve had the forethought to wear his contacts. He thinks he’d die if Steve was looking up at him through gold wire frames.
He nods, and Steve makes quick work of his belt buckle. He slowly pulls the pants zipper down, before leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to Eddie’s cock where it sits, more than half hard, in his briefs.
Eddie inhales sharply, the sensation dull but still ever present. He glances down, sees Steve on his knees before him, has to look away.
Steve sucks at the wet spot forming on Eddie's boxers and Eddie bites back a moan. Steve pulls away, staring up at him, but keeps one hand on him, rubbing slowly through the fabric. "I wanna hear you."
Eddie's hands clench and unclench in the air by his sides, unsure where to put them, what Steve's comfortable with. But that question is answered for him when a gentle hand takes his, presses a kiss to each individual knuckle, and guides his to the top of Steve's head, threading his fingers through his hair. "You don't have to be so gentle with me. I like it a little rough." Steve says, voice light and teasing.
And all of a sudden, Eddie's mind is flooded with the imagery of that statement. Steve face down on a bed, tears streaking his cheeks. Steve's strong hands clenching in white bed sheets. Purple bruises littering his collarbones, his chest, his thighs.
God, those thighs. He imagines them wrapped around his waist, over his shoulders, either side of his head.
He imagines Steve, sweat slicked and quivering beneath him. Writhing and moaning and begging. Imagines a fierce red blush spreading from his cheeks down his neck to his chest as Eddie whispers sweet nothings and dirty talk in his ear. Imagines him wrapped in soft, tight rope, a dark crimson or black to contrast the tan of his skin. Imagines his hands tied to the headboard.
His mind is full to the brim of pictures and possibilities, a million ways he could bring the man before him to ruin.
Eddie clenches his hand in Steve's hair, tugging sharply at the strands. He watches Steve's eyes flutter closed as he gasps. Steve smirks. "That's more like it."
"Shouldn't you be putting that mouth to better use?" Steve's smug look drops away, that pretty red blush Eddie had fantasised about replacing it. Eddie uses his grip on Steve's hair to pull him closer to his crotch.
Steve wets his lips, reaches up and tugs Eddie's briefs down to free his cock. It bounces up, slapping against his stomach and smearing pre against his skin.
Steve wraps a warm hand around it, pumps it up and down. He leans in, pressing a wet, open mouthed kiss to the base and gazing up at Eddie through his eyelashes. He licks a stripe up the underside from base to tip with the flat of his tongue, before suckling on the head.
Eddie loosens his grip, cards his fingers through the soft strands. He smirks. "That's more like it." He says with a mean, teasing lilt. Steve's eyes flutter, rolling back for a moment until Eddie can only see the whites. He tugs again, gentle this time. "C'mon, baby. You know what I want."
He dons that dominant persona like a second skin. He can’t let himself think about how fucking wrong this is, how Steve’s goddamn wife is only a a few rooms away. He knows he’s fucked everything up irreparably, but what the hell? He’s already started, he might as well follow through.
Steve nods, movements stilted under Eddie's grasp. He wraps his lips around the head of his cock, flicking the slit with the tip of his tongue. He bobs his head a little, sucks and laves his tongue over Eddie's skin until the room is filled with nothing save his wet noises and Eddie's own heavy breathing. He moans, his eyes closed, sending vibrations down the length of his shaft.
Eddie bites back a groan, watching Steve’s lips stretched wide and shiny around his cock. When Steve blinks his eyes open, gazing up at Eddie, they’re glossy and wide - a goddamn dream come true.
Steve hollows his cheeks, swirls his tongue around the head of Eddie’s cock before swallowing him down to the hilt and engulfing him in a wet heat.
“Fuck, baby.” Eddie moans, clenching his hand in Steve’s hair to hold him there. He wonders where Steve learned to do this, who’s cock he sucked to get this good. Part of him is jealous it wasn’t him. He wants to ask him the story, knows he never will. “Made for this, weren’t you, Stevie?” Steve whimpers, it’s muffled with his mouth full. “You look so pretty on your knees.”
Steve’s eyes flutter as he tries desperately to keep his gag reflex in check. Eddie pulls him off by his hair, letting his panting breaths echo in the quiet of the room as he tries to catch his breath.
He takes in the mess of the man on his knees before him. Steve’s eyes are watering so much they’re glassy, his lips are swollen and red. Eddie thinks he could cum just from the sight of him.
“Harder?” Steve’s voice is hoarse already, his lips slick and slightly swollen.
Eddie raises a brow. “You’re sure?”
“Wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want it.” Steve leans in close, pulling against Eddie’s grip. He slowly jerks Eddie’s cock in one hand as he presses languid kisses along the length. He presses his free hand against the sizable tent in his slacks. “Take what you want. I’m not made of glass.”
Eddie kicks at the hand he’s grinding against to move it out of the way, takes a step forward and rests his shoe between Steve’s legs, pushed right up against the bulge in his trousers. Steve inhales sharply, staring up at Eddie, dark eyes wide with shock. He shifts, bears his weight down and gives an experimental roll of his hips. A shudder wracks his frame.
“Good?” Eddie smirks. Steve just nods, hips juddering. “Tap my leg if you want me to stop, yeah?” He nods again. “Words, Stevie.”
“Better. Now open up.” Steve’s mouth falls open, his tongue lolling out, pink and wet. Eddie bites back a groan at the sight and grips his cock at the base. He rests it on Steve’s tongue for no more than a moment, before sliding it in all the way. He runs his hand through Steve’s hair, then grips it tight, holding him down. “So beautiful.” He murmurs.
Steve moans, the sensation around his cock causing Eddie’s hips to jerk and hit the back of Steve’s throat. Steve chokes, and Eddie starts to pull out.
He doesn’t make it far before Steve is grabbing his ass to pull him in deeper. “Fuck, Stevie. Guess you weren’t lying, huh?”
He thrusts in again as Steve’s nails dig in hard through Eddie’s slacks. He builds up a rhythm, guiding Steve’s head with a hand in his hair, his cock gliding slick and perfect against Steve’s smooth tongue as Steve sucks and whimpers and swirls his tongue. Steve’s hips jerk frantically where they’re pressed against Eddie’s shoe.
It can’t be comfortable, Eddie thinks, but nonetheless he keeps going.
Moonlight spills through the window and casts Steve in a pale glow. He’s more beautiful than ever, down on his knees like he’s at prayer, while sinning so prettily.
Eddie can feel that sizzling heat start to simmer in the bottom of his stomach, frissions of arousal sending sparks all over his body.
It’s perfect. It’s not enough.
If this is the last time Eddie will ever see Steve, ever have him beneath him, be inside him, then he needs more. Needs to be pressed against the strength of his back, needs to feel the warmth of him seeping through his clothes. He needs the intimacy if anything. Needs Steve to know how wanted he is, how this is more than just a quick meaningless fuck.
They’ve already ruined whatever friendship they had, what more could they lose?
“Fuck.” Eddie mutters. He pulls Steve up by his hair, spins him round until his back presses against Eddie’s chest.
“What… what’re you doing?” Steve asks, voice gravel rough. Eddie reaches around, grapples with Steve’s belt buckle until it comes undone. He pushes his slacks and his briefs down, until they hang around Steve’s knees.
“Taking what I want.” Eddie pulls at Steve’s suit jacket, pressing kisses down his jaw, his neck, behind his ear, as he works it down his arms. He tosses it unceremoniously to the side before pressing a flat palm between Steve’s shoulder blades and pushing until his chest lies against a nearby table. That perfect fucking ass is round and bare and presented to Eddie like a goddamn feast.
He wishes he could get his mouth on it, knows he never will.
He brings his hand down against Steve’s right ass cheek, the crack echoing sharp and loud in the quiet of the room. He slots his hand over the reddening welt, takes a handful and squeezes.
“Oh fuck.” Steve lets out a breathy moan, his breath fogging up the wood as one hand reaches out to grasp the opposite edge of the table.
Eddie rucks Steve’s shirt up, rubbing his hands over the harsh scars that cover his back, healed silver with time but still rough to the touch. He trails his hands down Steve’s back, stopping until his thumbs fit perfectly into his dimples of venus. He leans in, kisses down the knobs of his spine, each vertebrae blessed with a press of his lips, before coming to a stop at his tailbone.
“Eddie…” Steve exhales a whine, cheek pressed to the table under him. “Stop fucking teasing and touch me.”
Eddie chuckles softly, nipping at the expanse of skin beneath him with his teeth, sucking a mark. “Oh, baby, I am touching you.”
Steve growls, a rumbling guttural thing, and pushes his hips back, his bare ass pressing against Eddie’s cock. Eddie barely holds back a moan, his hand clenching around Steve’s hip to hold him still.
“I didn’t say you could move, honey.”
Steve inhales sharply at the pet name. “I need more, Eds. Please.”
Please, he says, as if that doesn’t shake Eddie’s entire world to its core. He’s going to be playing that over and over in his head until he fucking dies.
“Since you asked so pretty.” Eddie takes a half step forward, grinds slowly against Steve’s crack, his cock catching against Steve’s hole. “God, the things I’d do to you if I had some lube and a condom.”
Steve lets out a breathy laugh, shuddering as Eddie’s hips keep moving, continuing that slow, steady grind. “I’d let you.”
Eddie grins, runs his hands up and down Steve’s back before stopping at his hips and squeezing gently. “Yeah? You’d let me fuck you right here?”
“Uh huh.” Steve shifts, presses his forehead to the table and rocks back. Eddie digs his fingers into that soft, supple flesh beneath his palms and imagines carving a hole in Steve’s chest, making a home there, living within him. They’d never be apart, nothing could ever separate them.
It’s a sort of possessiveness Eddie can never indulge. But God, how he wishes he could.
Eddie pauses for a moment. Closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. It’s all happening so fast he can barely keep up. He knows he should put a stop to this, walk away before he makes it any worse.
But, well, fuck it, he thinks.
Everything’s already well and truly ruined. Why should he stop now?
“Eddie?” Steve mumbles out against the table, bringing Eddie back to the moment. “Y’okay?”
Eddie’s heart clenches in his chest.
Here is a man laid before him, messy and perfect and everything he has ever dreamed of, and Eddie realises he’s been going about this all wrong.
Some dark, cruel part of him is yelling for him to make this count. To make sure Steve remembers this the next time he lays down with his wife. The next time she undresses him, kisses him, touches him in those intimate places. That part of him says, make it sweet, loving. Make it tender. Make sure he knows it isn’t just sex.
That part is screaming. Ruin him.
“Yeah, sweetheart. I’m okay.” Eddie leans down. Presses a gentle kiss to the side of Steve’s neck as he rocks against the crevice of Steve’s ass. Trails more kisses over his clothed shoulder, down the scarred knobs of his back.
He runs his hands up Steve’s sides, touches him almost reverently. Like something holy. “You’re so beautiful, Steve.”
Steve gasps out a moan, rocks back like he’s not in control. Eddie bites back a groan, rocks forward.
He feels something swinging against his hip, reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a half empty tube of vaseline. He smirks, squeezes some out onto his fingers and warms it up. Eddie reaches down, drags a slick finger over Steve’s hole and presses gently against it. Steve shudders, choking out a whine.
Eddie spreads a little more vaseline between his cheeks. He rubs up against him again, gliding smoother where skin meets skin. “That feel good, baby?”
Steve nods, free hand clenching into a fist against the table.
“Words, honey.”
“Feels good, Eds. So good.” Steve replies breathily. Eddie chuckles. He builds a rhythm grinding forward as Steve pushes back. It’s quiet for a moment or two, save for the sounds of their breathing and Steve’s punched out little groans.
Eddie presses his clean hand against the centre of Steve’s back, keeping him in place, and reaches round with his slick one, wrapping it around Steve’s cock. He strokes slowly once, twice, three times, running his thumb over the head to collect Steve’s pre and spread it back down.
“Fuck, Eddie.” Steve gasps out, hips jerking in his grip. His movements are juddering, like he can’t decide whether to fuck into Eddie’s fist or back against his cock. His cheek is pressed flat against the table, eyes clenched shut.
Eddie keeps his fist just bordering on too loose, keeps moving his hips. He leans close to Steve’s ear. “I want you to feel good, Stevie. Take what you want.”
Steve takes that as his cue, grinding rapidly back and forth, fingertips grasping for purchase against the smooth wood. He gasps and moans, writhing in place.
Eddie curses, rocking his hips against Steve’s heat. “That’s good, baby, you’re doing so good.”
Steve moans, deep and guttural as his movements become frantic. He reaches down, covers Eddie’s hand with his own, tangles their fingers and tightens Eddie’s grip.
“Yeah, fuck, just like that. M’so close.” Steve whines beneath him, trembling as he picks up the pace. His hips move faster, stuttering and jerking as he nears his end.
It’s almost a surprise to watch Steve come. It’s everything and nothing like Eddie expected. He could’ve fantasised for hours, days, years, but nothing his brain would’ve come up with is comparable to seeing the real thing.
Steve loses himself in it, lets the pleasure wash over him like a tidal wave. His eyes clench shut and his mouth falls open in a long moan as he comes undone. His hips keep pushing into the tight wet of Eddie’s fist until he becomes oversensitive.
Finally, he pulls his hand away, rests it on the table.
Eddie pulls away too, takes his own cock in hand as Steve lies there coming down, breaths coming out fast, and takes the sight of him in. The look of him debauched, ravished. The strain of muscles beneath scarred skin. The pink blush on his cheeks. The bitten red of his lips. It doesn’t take much.
“C’mon, Eds. Wanna feel you come.” But that’s what really does it. A few jerks of his hand and Eddie’s coming, streaking white across silver scars.
He falls forward, drapes himself over Steve in a desperate need for closeness. Doesn’t care about the mess he’s surely making of his shirt.
The room is near quiet. Still. And Eddie feels warm save for the sinking in his stomach.
He kinda wants to stay there forever. Knows he has to leave as quickly as he can.
Minutes pass, neither of them make the effort to move.
Eddie pants, pressing his forehead between Steve's shoulder blades. The room is silent save for their synced panting breaths. He pushes himself up slowly, muscles protesting the movement.
Steve remains in place on the table top, cheek pressed against the wood as he catches his breath. His eyes are closed, dark eyelashes fanning over flushed skin, and his forehead is damp with sweat. One of his hands lies curled but loose against the table, the other grips the farthest edge, white knuckled. His shirt is rucked up to his armpits, showing the scarred expanse of his back. His slacks are round his knees, the perfect curve of his ass bare.
He's marked with Eddie's cum. All the way from his hole to the centre of his back. It stands out, pale against the tan of his skin. Eddie's almost tempted to reach out, drag a finger through it.
He doesn't.
Instead, he pulls the lilac pocket square from the breast pocket of his suit jacket and unfolds it. With gentle hands, he wipes his spend from Steve's back. He balls the soiled cloth up and shoves it deep into his pants pocket. He'll bin it later - even if the thought of keeping it does briefly cross his mind.
Steve hums, grateful, pressing his forehead to the cool surface of the table. He flexes the hand that was gripping the edge, trying to get the feeling back.
Eddie turns away, feels like he's seen more than he's rightfully allowed. He tugs his pants up, hands shaking as he clasps his belt. He makes an attempt to tuck in his shirt, but it's creased to shit now, so it doesn't quite lay flat anymore.
He walks back over to the window. Outside, the moon is high and the sky is clear. The ground is dewey, almost sparkling. He thinks it must've rained at some point.
He taps out another cigarette from the packet in his pocket and lights up. Blowing out a plume of smoke, Eddie presses his forehead to the cool glass.
Behind him, he can hear Steve shuffling, tidying himself up. Probably preparing to let Eddie down and run off back to his perfect little wife.
Well fuck that, Eddie's gonna beat him to it.
"We can't do this again." He says, fogging up the glass in front of him as he speaks.
Steve's voice is rough when he replies. "I know."
Eddie knows that tone of voice. He knows it all too well. The one where he says one thing but means another.
He flicks the ash from his cigarette, turns and leans against the wall next to the window. Steve's leaning back against the table they just fucked on, staring down at a scuff on his left shoe.
From this vantage Eddie gets to see the wondrous Steve Harrington in all his post-sex glory. His shirt is all rumpled, much like Eddie's own, his jacket is still in a pile on the floor. His hair is a goddamn mess and, though he's tucked himself away, his slacks still hang open at his hips.
Fucking temptation incarnate.
"Steve." Steve looks up, his eyes are still shiny. "We can't. You're married."
Steve frowns, looking away again. He doesn't seem too happy about that. Taking in the frown lines on Steve's face, Eddie would guess the man is at war with himself. Running through all his options. He bets Steve wishes he could run off and find Robin, talk to her before finishing this conversation.
Unlucky for him, Robin is nowhere to be seen.
Eddie swallows down a lump in his throat. Has to force himself to say something he knows will wreck the both of them. "I think it's best that we don't see each other for a while."
Steve's head whips up so fast, Eddie's surprised he doesn’t give himself whiplash. "What?"
Eddie shrugs, self-deprecating and overly conscious of the mess this all is. "I don't... I never intended to be a homewrecker."
Steve scoffs, folding his arms over his chest. "The home has barely been built, man."
A sharp exhale and Eddie's running his free hand through his hair. "That's so much worse! You've got to see that it's worse, Steve!" He takes a pull from his cigarette and blows the smoke out fast. "I was just gonna keep this shit to myself. I never expected this."
"You did it, though. You let me.”
"I did." Eddie chokes out, voice shaky. "And I shouldn't have. I'm fucking sorry that I did."
Steve nods. He's quiet for a moment, his head ducked and shoulders hunched. When he talks again, it's quiet. "How long then?"
Eddie tilts his head. "What?"
Steve looks up then, fierce eyes burning hard into his own. "How long until I see you again?"
"Oh." Eddie breathes softly. "I'm not sure." He swallows. "I need time to get over you, Stevie."
Steve's gaze has gone cold, frozen over. Eddie knows it isn't personal, he's just trying to protect himself, but it hurts all the same. "Well you should probably go then."
It stings like a shot to the heart. "Right."
He moves to stub out his cigarette, but Steve stops him before he can. "Leave the cigarette." Eddie nods, leaving it resting on the window ledge. He slips a hand into his pocket, thumb rubbing over the engraving on his lighter. He pulls it out, watches how the silver glints in the moonlight, and gently rests it down on the ledge as well.
He can't meet Steve's eye again as he walks out of his life for what he knows will be forever, but he does stop at his side. He leans in, presses a gentle kiss to his cheek. Whispers, "I'm sorry. I'm so fucking sorry." And rushes out of there.
He stops at the door before he leaves completely. Finds Steve stood at the window, Eddie's cigarette between his lips and dusty suit jacket draped around his shoulders. He flicks open the lighter in his hand, watching the flame flicker.
The last time Eddie Munson sees Steve Harrington, he is gazing out of the window into the moonlight, rumpled from Eddie's hands on his body, and Eddie knows his heart is never going to recover.
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lqtraintracks · 1 month ago
Oooh, fun! How about 🔪, 🏜️ and 🧩? :)
These are great! Thank you so much! <333 Knife
what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I avoid research if I can help it! Which is terrible of me! I will say the *most* research I’ve done, and I was actually thrilled to do it this time, was for The Most Splendid Thing. (Gonna tag @sleepstxtic again because it was her Erised gift and it would not have been written without her fabulous sign-up!) The non-weird part was researching places in India where I wanted to send Drarry, researching wedding traditions, clothing options, Indian foods, art, architecture, sacred sites…
The only time it got weird was trying to research Cricket. That game is NUTS. I learned nothing. It is impenetrable. I’m convinced you just make it up as you go. I constantly felt like the internet was punking me. So it wasn’t so much that Cricket was a weird topic to be researching, only that the game itself is so fucking weird. :D 
what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
ANYTHING!!! All comments are excellent and are loved by me! :DDDD Just a few of my favorite things to get are: UNHINGED RIDICULOUSNESS! Feel silly saying it? PLEASE SAY IT!!! “Draco is my little mean potato baby I love him!!!!” Yes please.  Also, CAPS LOCK! Keyboard smash! Hyperbole: I have died of this, etc. Your favorite parts! How it made you feel! And yes, please tell me how hot it was! 
Puzzle piece
what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Dronarry. LOL. Sorry. :shrug emoji:
But also ‘the Slytherin’, ‘the blond man’, any epithets that aren’t necessary (and most are unnecessary).
The truth is, I will back button for various reasons. Life is too short to read something you don’t absolutely love, that doesn’t grab you by your lapels right from the first sentences and go, “Bitch, you’d better read me.”
Thanks so much for the ask! <3
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sciderman · 2 years ago
HI SCI what are ur fav peter comics/runs? i want to get more into his character but idk where to start and go with how writers have been butchering him for so long and theres just so much to sift through. what do i read/avoid? ive also been interested in ben reily and kaine parker if you have any recs for them! except for the current run with "chasm". im not touching that with a 10ft pole
hoooh, i've barely scratched the surface when it comes to reading spider-man - dear god. there's so much of it. i've mainly stuck to the main amazing spider-man series, and there are so many side series i've hardly touched. i'm just getting started on the web of spider-man series - i'll let you know how that goes.
my absolute favourite spider-man comics will always be the original amazing spider-man run from 1963 onwards - particularly college-era pete (70s), and his miserable, self-pitying self.
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dear fucking god
i kind of tapered off around the late 80s/90s when it comes to reading spidey - i'm thinking of taking a little bit of a hiatus to read the entirety of the main amazing spider-man run, start-to-finish, just to fill all the blanks in my spidey knowledge. i couldn't tell you a thing about ben or kaine - all the clone stuff terrifies me to tears - hough - i've been avoiding it. for me, my favourite peter parker stuff is the small-potatoes personal soap opera - love woes, getting the grade, paying the bills - so all the clones and the cosmic horror et cetera et cetera is all so much. i much prefer small-scale stories for peter.
on the topic of young adult peter parker - untold tales of spider-man is a fun little series that kind of summarises a lot from peter's early days of spider-manning in a short, sweet limited run. it's a lot of fun. peter's so pathetic.
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in the same vein - spider-man blue is a fan-favourite limited series - revisits peter's college era days, from the lens of an older peter parker reminiscing over gwen. really poignant. really sweet.
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the straczynski run of amazing spider-man from the early 2000s is pretty great if you're looking for something more contemporary, following an adult peter facing adult hardships - he's the cool, emotionally mature peter parker that is so very satisfying to see after all the young adult melodrama – oh, and teacher peter parker, my love, my light, my everything.
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if you're looking for something contemporary and entry-level, i really do like the ultimate spider-man comic series by bendis - it's a different peter parker, but he's as much of a little shit (if not more) than 616 peter. it's focused squarely on a young, high-school aged peter, who's in way over his head. and i love him. would die for him.
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if anyone has any more recs - particularly for kaine and ben - please drop them in the replies!!
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wheelin-after-midnight · 3 months ago
What’s better: winter break or spring break?
I don't really have a preference because those breaks don't apply to me anymore, but I'm gonna go with spring just because I passionately hate winter in this country.
Are you cold, hot, or comfortable at the moment?
A little chilly, but nothing I can't handle.
How many concerts have you been to in your life?
I've seen Jann Arden three times, in three different venues, two different cities. I also saw Whitney Houston's concert for a post-apartheid South Africa when they remastered the show from Durban, 1994, and released it in theatres in October. If she were still alive, I wouldn't actually count that, but I never had a chance to see her while she was here. The theatre was not extremely big, but those of us that were there were singing and boppin' along and crying like we were at one of her actual shows. The sound was also amazing. You could feel the floor vibrating. It was the next best thing to actually being present in South Africa at that time.
What’s your favorite TV show?
Empire is definitely one of them. Army Wives, You, Me, Her.
Would you ever have sex with the last person you texted?
Ew. That's my mother. 🤢
Would you rather paint your room puke green, or eat a potato bug?
Paint a room puke green. I'll just paint over it later. I'm not eating a potato bug.
How old were you when you had the chicken pox?
Four or five, maybe. I remember I only had a few of them, but my mother ended up being absolutely covered in them.
Ever had a friend named Alex or John?
Yes to both, but not extremely close friends.
Are you one who misses a lot of school, just because?
I was absent a lot, but I mostly had legit medical reasons or appointments. I would just work ahead while I was out so I didn't fall behind the class.
What type of music do you listen to the most?
I hate this question. It's in the same vein as "what's your favorite song?" I don't know. I have 6,500 songs on my Spotify, man. I could maybe narrow it down to my top 100. My favourites rotate. I like such a large, eclectic variety of music across so many decades. Anything from about the 50's to today. I can't pick just one genre. Country was my first love and what I grew up on and grew up singing as a young kid. I also like R&B/soul, Motown, some gospel stuff even though I'm an atheist now and don't really identify with or find comfort in my family's beliefs, pop, rock, reggae, easy listening, Latin/Spanish music... Idk. Literally everything, dude. The only things I don't really listen to are heavy metal and screamo type stuff, but it doesn't mean I hate it. One of my best friends is pretty into music like that and I'll listen to it with her and let her teach me about artists or bands in that space. I think it's important to be present and genuinely support the interests and passions of people I really care about, especially because those who were meant to care about me aren't that present at all and basically just shit on mine.
What are you looking forward to in the next month?
Nothing. I can't even say Christmas. I hate it.
Is there anyone that you’d love to just spill your guts to?
Anyone I wish I could genuinely spill my guts to about certain things wouldn't listen or care, so I likely won't bother ever again.
When was the last time you painted a picture?
With my Nan when I was a kid. It's still hanging in my place. She let me put my name on the canvas, but she had a heavy hand in how well it turned out. I'm not a very skilled artist in that sense at all. She was.
Where is the person you have feelings at right now?
Home, asleep or just waking up.
Can you drive? When did/do you get your license?
No. I never will.
Have you ever had to get braces?
Leg ones, not on my teeth.
What brand and flavor was the last gum you chewed?
Are you happy with your relationship status?
It's an open relationship. I agreed to that and it's a long story I'm not gonna get into here. I don't completely hate it, but I would prefer it to be closed and just her and I. That's how we used to be and just what I would personally prefer. I love her more than I hate the open aspect of things, and our relationship is healthy and going well on the whole.
What did you have for lunch today? Was it good?
I don't really have set meals. I just eat when I'm hungry or when I wake up. The first and only thing I've eaten so far today is bacon and cheese on toast with mayo.
Which one: chocolate chip or sugar cookie?
Sugar cookies.
Who was the last person that you sincerely apologized to?
I don't know. I have a tendency to over apologize a little bit. I don't remember the last time I was genuinely at fault for something and it was warranted.
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Why or why not?
I do.
Do you like the color orange? Is it your favorite?
No. It's probably my least favorite next to yellow. I do think orange cats are pretty cute, though.
What kind of ice cream did you last eat?
I don't remember. I don't eat it very often. I have to be in the mood for it. I'm not the biggest fan.
What kind of stuff do you like on your hot dogs?
I'm usually not too big on hot dogs either, tbh. But if I do eat one I'll usually just put mayo on it.
Have you ever been in a spelling bee?
In school as a kid.
Do you enjoy talking on the telephone? Who do you talk to the most?
Yeah, but I hardly ever hear other people's voices generally. I talk to babe on the phone, if anyone. Sometimes dad, but not often.
Do you think the last person you texted is attractive?
Does it bother you when people don’t answer questions with exact answers?
If it's something that requires an exact answer, yeah.
Do you know how to snap your fingers?
In what order do you get ready in the mornings?
If I'm showering when I get up, I make sure I feed Nippy her wet and dry foods and clean her boxes first, take a shower, get out, put on deodorant, underwear, pants, bra/top, brush my hair, brush my teeth. If I choose to skip the shower that day it's basically the same, but minus that part and going straight to food and/or coffee after getting dressed.
When did you last cry? What for?
I cry pretty much daily. Sick of some of the things my disability causes me to deal with, depressed and anxious about having to move.
Where were you at 9:18 this morning?
When was the last time you consumed alcohol? Last night.
The 2nd to last person you texted, how did you meet them?
Elementary school.
Do you call it a crush, or do you just say you like someone?
Neither. I say I love her because it's way more serious than like or a crush.
Have you been drunk in the last week?
What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?
I just eat when I'm hungry or when I wake up, which isn't always at the same time or in the early mornings, but if I do want breakfast type food, it's often eggs or something with eggs incorporated.
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veradragonjedi · 10 months ago
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alright here i go
for the weird ask: 5, 11, 18, 20, 30, 33, 44, 55, 61, 69, 76, 83, 94, 98
5. Do you prefer to drink soda from soda cans, soda bottles, plastic cups or glass cups?
Cans... that little *crrrk* *hissssss.......* augh!! And then you can crunch them when you're done. Marvellous. Thank you inventor of the aluminium can.
11. What do you have for breakfast on an average day?
Salmon bagel :))
18. Ideal weather?
WARM! Let my bones rest 😭 warm very warm but with shade and cold drinks and all that jazz.
20. Preferred place to write?
My phooone. No laptop, though a note pad suffices if my phone is out of reach. All 300k words of bbb (that's plus unposted possible chapters) was done on my phone. with my fingers.
30. Places you find sacred?
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BIG tree! Hundreds of years old. Four swings hanging from the branches! Howw many people sat there? Carved their names into it to be immortalised, swung on those swings?? The energy there.
I'm not a religious person, but if I were, I'd worship the tree.
33. Most used phrase in your phone?
Augh this one's difficult because it implies I am conscious of what I put down but its probably omg
Like on its own. Or HELP that one's common.
44. Favourite scent for soap?
I bought @airlocksandaviaries some nice soap one time and bought myself some Lily-of-the-Valley soap. And I have Not used mine because I like the scent so much...
55. Favourite fairytale?
Always been a fan of the tragic ones. The ones that were originally deep and dark and nasty, before they became Disney-fied. The original Rapunzel was nice, not that I don't like the new one, but it was nice. The original message behild Little Red Riding Hood — a young girl flowering into womanhood who is approached by a strange older man who wants to make her his — has always fascinated me because !!! Argh beast metaphors and hunger and. Yeaaahhhh bbbcore..
61. Favourite flowers?
Orchids are nice. Tulips were for a while!
Recently I found THESE
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Black petunias!! I tool them because they're JUST LIKE ME FR! And they smell awful, like burnt rubber and bleach, but I LOVE THEM!!!!!!
69. A Fun Fact that you don't know how you learned?
@chaetophractus-vellerosus — most doors are universally 6 foot 9 inches, so it's easy to guess someone's height based on whether they have to bend through a door. Finch, I asked my friend where we had found that out, and apparently I knew it Before we had used it to work out Drew Gooden's height. So. I actually dunno where the information came from.... got that doortism though.
76. Favourite potato food?
AAAUGGHGH POTATOEEESSSS!!!!!!!! I like fried potatoes, I had real patatas fritas like a month ago and almost died it was so tasty. I like all manner of potatoes though. Give me the potatoes...
83. Writing or Drawing?
Both? Both!! I absolutely adore putting my thoughts onto a canvas. Whether that be a digital one where I'm throwing notes at a wall and seeing what sticks or a physical one where I'm just figuring everything out by swiping paint on white paper.
94. Favourite season?
SUMMER! Ironic because in Britain we (used to...) don't get very hot summers. We're almost there folks!
98. Favourite historical era?
A question I'm not sure I know the answer to! Dropped history almost as soon as I started it, to take geography instead, so I'm gonna say the devonian era and be done with that:)) (that's when bony fish were evolved and doing their thing with no dinosaurs to tell them what not to do)
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localplaguenurse · 2 years ago
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I have come asking for more pants man
Any domestic headcanons? And whatever flavor of pants you’re feeling rn
*cracks knuckles* Today's flavour is domestic fluff. I'm gonna use some of the ideas you've had in my other pants man asks and build off of those ones. Also some of these are more like relationship headcanons but potato potahto, it's pants time.
Whenever he has to leave to another nation or even just a town/city very far from his home, he always brings a souvenir back home for his darling. It's usually either expensive jewelry or very high quality teas/coffee/snacks that you can't find easily anywhere else
Whenever the staff makes tea, he personally likes to bring it to his partner. He also likes when they do the same thing to him when he's working away in his office.
You remember how I mentioned he would secretly remake all the cheap meals he used to eat when he was younger and no one is allowed to know? That exception is made for his partner.
He's a little uneasy at first because food is kind of a sensitive topic with him, but he is immediately at ease when his partner tells him they don't judge him, and that they even enjoy some of the stuff he's made.
There's nothing more romantic than a midnight snack rendezvous with the love of your life, in the safety of your home, after years of living on the streets struggling to survive.
For professional reasons Pantalone is not super big on PDA, beyond some hand holding and perhaps a scandalous cheek smooch. Behind closed doors, he's much more touchy.
Not even in a sexual way. I imagine as a kid always on survival mode, the only times he would have had some sort of affectionate contact would've been him and the other poor kids huddled together for warmth.
He's aware of the term "touch starved" but it's not until he meets his darling that he realizes how bad it is. When they're alone together, he likes to be touching them in some way. Hand holding, cuddling, even sitting next to each other is nice.
Likes to include his partner in his selfcare routines first thing in the morning and right before bed. He also enjoys bathing and showering with them regardless of where that ends up going
Likes to read before bed, will do it cuddled up with his partner as they sleep against his chest, read a book of their own, or even read along with him.
He always gives his darling a kiss before he leaves for work or a trip. He gets very lonely without them so he's gotta savour every little moment he has with them before he has to part from them.
One of his favourite parts about coming home aside from seeing his darling is talking about their days. He can't share all the details of his work, be it the Fatui or the Northland Bank for privacy reasons, but he will regale you with all the ridiculous stories he can.
When he's exhausted after a long day/trip, he completely forgoes all common manners or dignity and just flops onto the nearest comfortable surface, preferably where his darling also is. Will lay his head in their lap or lie on top of them with his head on their chest if they're in bed. Sometimes they talk about their days, but when he's this tired, he just wants to pretend the world doesn't exist for a bit.
He just really likes being in the same room as his darling. Even if they're not doing the same activity, it feels nice to just spend time together in some way.
Has a tendency to overwork himself, slaving away at his desk well into the night, even forgetting to eat at times. It will take some effort and patience, but only his darling can pull him away from work to take a break.
He absolutely has a ballroom in his mansion, I don't make up the rules. He likes to dance with his partner there when he has the time or energy. He'd also love to teach them how to dance.
And that's all for now uwu
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felixantares · 2 years ago
Get to know me tag game
Ahhh!! thank you @allalrightagain for the tag 💚
relationship status: single for uhhhh... 5 years now? favourite colour: a sort of dark desaturated blue-green, or like a sea green stuck in my head: only D&D thoughts currently, I've been rereading all my manuals and falling asleep thinking about mechanics lmao also thinking about build me no shrines (sing me no songs) but only in that the guilty thought that I should be editing is plaguing me all hours of the day last song i listened to: Dead Man's Hand by Lord Huron because I'm incapable of going a day without putting on the strange trails album 3 favourite foods: Oh it changes so frequently because of various foods making me sick seemingly at random, but currently I found this place near me that does the most perfect coconut shrimp curry I've ever had in my life and I'd eat it every day if it wouldn't absolutely destroy my bank account. Also recently rediscovered my love of a good ol' PB&J sandwich because apparently I can eat peanut butter again? would love to know when that happened but I'm not complaining. And then probably any form of potato because I'm a simple lad who enjoys the basics. last thing i googled: exhaustion and sanity mechanics for D&D 👀 dream trip: not to like completely steal LT's answer for this one but yeah, basically renting myself a little cottage or apartment for a few weeks somewhere in Europe and doing little trips out to see the area. Scotland has been at the top of my list since I was 8 and I don't even have anything specific I want to see, but I like cold rainy weather and castles so it seems perfect.
tagging: @girl-with-goats @gloivy (i know you're on vacation glo but maybe you'll see this when you get home!!) @nanneramma @luxuriousmalfoy @vitaminpops
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randoimago · 2 years ago
Hi, I'm in a self indulgent mood. So I decided to just do this whole list for fun! Here is the link to the Ask Game.
I'll add all my answers and such under the cut so it's not just a wall of text in your face!!
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
I don't have any but I do have a few I really want. I'd love a d20 on my wrist, my mom and brother's birthdays on like a scroll with extra space (so I can put any kids I might have on it), and a full moon over a waxing crescent. I'd probably let my mom and brother pick a tattoo for me to get as well.
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Green and blue have always been colors I've loved since I was little. As I've gotten older, I really grew to love pink and yellow too. I do prefer the lighter shades (and I find pastels v cute). While I mostly did my blog theme for like Valentine's day, I would say rn pink is def my favorite.
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Baked potato 🥰 it has to be my favorite food. Potatoes are just godsend and baked potatoes? Hell yes
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
As if right now, it's 8:50pm. No idea what time it'll be when I post this.
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Scorpio! Nov. 11th is my birthdate. Although wasn't there like a new zodiac sign that was introduced a few years ago? I think technically my zodiac should be that one, but I think I want to keep Scorpio.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
Accents are so cute you guys. I'd probably go with the lighter, airy Irish accent.
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
I have a couple small ones on my hands due to burns while cooking (the amount of times I've been splashed by oil 😅)
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
I took the test just cause I don't know how much it changed from the last time I did it. I got INTP: The Logician. It's interesting cause I think every time I've done the test, it's swapped between INTP and INFP
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
Oof. It's probably between Coraline, Spirited Away, and The Corpse Bride.
📺 - Favourite show?
Critical Role (webshow), Madoka Magica (anime), Teen Titans (cartoon)
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Yep! I don't know how ticklish tho since it's been a while since anyone has tried tickling me. I know I was v ticklish as a baby child but now I think it's mostly my feet that are ticklish.
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Absolutely! I'd love to be married some day and have kids. Or if I somehow end up really rich, I might adopt. I mostly want to be a mom. But if I can find someone that can deal with me then I'd like to marry too!
😳 - Do you like your name?
I didn't when I was younger but since becoming an adult and applying for jobs (since you have to use your full name and not a nickname), it's really grown on me. Yeah Kat isn't my real name, but I enjoy it v much as a nickname.
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
It's a fucking green screen Green. I wasn't around when my room was being painted and my mom mentioned being afraid it'd be too bright. But hey, at least I have a green screen whenever I want to clear space and do weird stuff.
🤓 - How did you get your name?
Ooh so without giving away my whole name, my initials are due to a bet my dad made (some thing was being named and my initials were one of the options, which won). One of my middle names is because my mom's aunt (my great aunt) was a nun and so she couldn't have kids so my mom named me after her (she was my favorite aunt, I very much miss her ❤️). My first name is based on a character from my dad's favorite book.
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
2018 was when I finished High School. I haven't done college yet just cause I want to save up money and see if I can figure myself out a bit first before doing that.
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Man I'd love to get piercings but when I first got my ears pierced, they swelled up real badly in like 2 days. I know I have real sensitive skin, but I thought real metals wouldn't affect me that badly. Boy I was wrong. So for now I'll just longingly look at facial jewelry and sigh.
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Hazel! Depending on what I wear they can look more on the green side.
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
Pixie cut! I don't have an exact style of pixie, I don't know that much about hair 😅 but I love getting pixie cuts.
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes. Never anything good though since it was mostly beer or whatever was being drank due to the holiday.
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Nope! I've been tipsy but I always get super tired when I drink so I haven't been able to stay awake long enough to get drunk (which I always do around people I trust, not to worry anyone!)
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Claustrophobia. I can probably deal with it better if I'm around someone I really trust so they can help calm me down. This one might be more niche, but being eaten when I'm in some body of water terrifies the shit out of me. I'm decent at swimming, but there's no way in hell I'm going to outswim anything that wants to eat me.
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
God I hate both of them so much. I prefer cold weather so I can bundle up and be comfy. But I'd rather be too hot. Maybe I can sweat off some of my water weight 🙃
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
If I don't have to go anywhere, I love the rain. It's just so soothing and a good time. I also love the sound of thunder. I still love rain even if I have to go somewhere, but I'd prefer lighter rain and hopefully it's not cold out while it's raining.
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
Autumn/Fall. It's just cozy and the vibes are immaculate.
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
I am an animal lover so this is tricky. I've been really into pigs lately. They're v cute and I'd love a little piggy (good for hiding bodies too).
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
I mean, I'm not shy about sharing my babies. I have three cats and a dog. I have a few chickens too but I wouldn't really count them as pets.
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
Back when I was in high school, I could go a couple nights without sleep. But now, I am an old lady with my sleep schedule.
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Besides the obvious, I can loom knit (well I can make an octopus and that's it) but I've made so many for friends and family. It's v fun although I got a new knitting needle and have stabbed myself so many times cause it's ungodly sharp.
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
I'm overthinking this and that's the issue. If traveling was free then I know I'd be on some waiting list to travel some places because everyone will want to go (trips to Japan would take years). Honestly, I'd probably go to Texas because I have a very good friend that lives there. We've been online friends since I was in middle school and so I really would like to meet her IRL
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Haven't looked yet but I'm nervous laughing because it could be so many things. The amount of times I've looked up "What happens to a body in these conditions..." 😅
I'm dumb, my most recent thing is the MBTI test since I retook it for this
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
I don't have that many apps on my phone tbh. Webtoons is probably the one that gets used the most (I do have the tumblr app but I much prefer browser). I guess I'd have to go with Discord tho just cause it's how I communicate with friends and there's many fun memories there.
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
I live in the country right now and while I love all the open space and there being no rules about what I can and can't do, I do miss being able to go out and do stuff in the city. If I lived in a city that doesn't require driving to get to places then I'd be city girl 100%. So I'll have to go with country just because driving scares me (well other people driving scares me, especially in the city. Everyone is chill driving in the country).
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